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  • #410823

    I’ve gotten most things working fine in Enfold – it’s really got a great set of features… but one of my Pages has a problem I can’t figure out how to fix.

    The title (‘About Sembl’) is missing, the logo row has the wrong background colour, and the body text is starting behind the logo. All the other pages are working fine.

    I’m reluctant to delete and recreate the page because I’d lose the comments. And from experience WordPress page slugs are sticky even after you delete the page, so I’d have to name it something different and ‘about’ is kind of critical.

    Advice gratefully received!


    Hey Cath!

    You are displaying “transparent header” on your page. Please edit it and choose to display “no transparency – http://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/portfolio-item/intro-to-the-header-configurator/

    Best regards,

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