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  • #776873
    Liane Wöchtl

    Hello, i have already bought the enfold theme and a support contract. Unfortunately I can`t find the button how to start a topic at the forum, so I try it here.

    At my website the Logo and the menu navigation are overlapping at the Desktop version. How can i manage it, that the menu navigation doesn´t overlap with the Logo any more? (Maybe it could be an option to minimize the Size of the letters or make two lines of menu navigation.

    Thank you in advance for your help
    kind Regards

    Thank you
    kind Regards


    Hey Liane Wöchtl,

    Try adding the following to quick css:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 600px) and (min-width: 1119px)  {
    #top #header .av-main-nav > li > a{
    font-size:80% important;

    Let me know if this works

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Thank you jordan for your advice.

    I added the code to the Quick Css (Enfold / General Styling) but unfortunately it doesn´t work.

    Do you have another advice to me?



    Would you be able to privately provide admin info so I can look into this further.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    for sure



    I added the following that should be working right now:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 1229px ) and (min-width: 1024px) {
    #avia-menu .menu-item a {
    padding:0 5px!important;

    Please test the page and let me know if its okay.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Hi Jordan,
    Thank you for your help. It looks good. What Id like to ask you: Is there a possibiltiy that the menu isnt shown full screen when I click on the menu button. It doesn´t look nice. Is there a possibility, that the menu is in equal formatting like the submenu usually is?

    Kind regards


    Hello Jordan,

    Wordpress was updated to WordPress 4.6.4. Now i have the following problem with the SmartPhone Version:
    If I click at a main menu (and this menu item has a sumenu) the menu doesn`t open any more. How can I repair it?

    And i have another question: I have installed woo commerce. after the update some headlines are not written in German any more (at the Website and in the automated E-Mails):
    The following Headlines are written in english and I wonder how i can translate them to german again
    Bank Details
    Account number
    sort code
    Payment method
    Continue shopping
    Update Cart
    Local Pickup
    Calculate shipping
    Proceed to Checkout
    Billing details
    Company Name
    Order notes

    Thany you in advance for your help


    Hello Jordan,

    Just to let you know, the translations work again. I just need help with the Menu in the Smart Phone Version of the Website and the graphic of the menu of the website (desktop version)

    Thank you in advance



    So you do not like the menu format in mobile?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Hi Shanon,

    no, i like it, I reduced the main menu points, so it is perfect.

    I have an other topic:
    Since Thursday the menu on the mobile version doesn`t work perfekt.
    when there is a submenu I can`t open the main menu page on the smart phone. Do you have any idea how to solve that problem?

    Kind regards and happy easter!




    For further technical support please register here with your item purchase code .

    Go to select the theme you purchased bookmark the URL.

    Scroll to the bottom of the page to open a new ticket.

    Best regards,

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