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  • #1164736

    Not sure how to explain this one but every time I have a link to a pdf file (it doesn’t matter where it is, or whether it exists) and I have an image, I get a 403 when I try to save the page or when I try to preview it.

    This seems to happen only when using the Avia layout builder.

    So in the above screenshot, the PDF link is in the text box — i.e. the top section in the left column.

    Where the red X is located, that’s where the image is that causes a 403. However if I move it to where it is shown in the screenshot (the red box) I’m able to save it fine.

    Similarly if I put a non empty text box above the existing text box, i’ll work

    This issue seems similar to the following:

    I’ve checked out server logs and nothing is mentioned.

    Thank you


    Hey jimmydev,

    Can you give us temporary admin access to your website in the private content box below, so that we can have a closer look?

    Did you try solutions posted in those threads?

    Best regards,


    Thanks for the response.

    The first support link I posted doesn’t have the problem solved, while the second link doesn’t provide the solution.

    I’ve put our site details in the private area. The link to the page with the issue I managed to find a work-around. You’ll notice that there is a empty text box* above the main text content. If you remove that, and try to save, you’ll get the 403. But if you remove it AND THEN remove either the image on the side or the pdf link, it’ll allow you to save.

    *The text box isn’t actually empty. It seems to need content in there but since I don’t want the content to be shown, I’ve hidden it via css.


    Sorry for the late reply and thanks for the login, I have copied your page to my localhost and tested and found no issues, I was able to edit and save a few times and publish and click to view the pdf.
    I see that you are using Enfold v4.2.3, which is kind of old now. Please update to v4.6.3.1 I’m sure you won’t have this issue.
    I also see you are using PHP v5.6.40, please update to v7+
    Please note that with your version of Enfold you will have to update via FTP, The easiest and safest way to update this is to download the newest version from Theme Forest and rename your current theme folder to “enfold-old” via ftp then upload the new “enfold” folder and check that your site is working correctly.
    Once you are happy you can delete the “enfold-old” folder via ftp, (not the WP theme page)
    Should for some reason you wish to roll-back to the old version, it’s easy to do, simply rename the new “enfold” folder to “enfold-new” via ftp and then rename “enfold-old” to “enfold” then refresh your page.
    Please don’t try to overwrite the theme folder, as this will leave old files behind and cause errors.

    Best regards,


    Thanks for the response. Is it necessary to upgrade the PHP version? We’re on a hosted server I believe so I’m not sure if that’s something we can do.

    I will try upgrading the Enfold version however. Is there a changelog somewhere? Is there anything that will likely cause an issue from upgrading?

    Thank you.


    PHP v5.6.40 had been the minimum version for WordPress until recently when WordPress started “recommending” v7+, so v5.6.40 may still work. Typically if you contact your webhost they will update your PHP, webhosts have known about this update for well over a year now.
    The Enfold changelog is here.
    It looks like most of your plugins are quite old and need updating too, I recommend disabling all of them before updating, and after updating enable one at a time and update each.
    Also ask your webhost to create a full backup for you, this way if something goes wrong they can restore your site for you, this is also a common service webhosts will do for free.

    Best regards,


    I was only able to update the Enfold plugin and unfortunately it didn’t make a difference. I’m unable to update anything else at this time at the request of the client.

    So at the moment, I’ll have to leave it as is.

    Thank you for your help.


    Ok, shall we keep this open until you can update the php, or close it and open a new one if needed?

    Best regards,


    You can close it. Thank you for your help.


    Glad we were able to help, we will close this now. Thank you for using Enfold.

    For your information, you can take a look at Enfold documentation here
    For any other questions or issues, feel free to start new threads in the Enfold forum and we will gladly try to help you :)

    Best regards,

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