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  • #820753

    Hi! I create atributes by color and put in products, in my sidebar show filters and chose the atribute Color, but not show this filter in a page when i can see the result.


    Hey luigi,

    Can you post a link to the page shown in the screenshot? so we can take a closer look.

    Best regards,


    Thanks @Nikko
    Thew link is
    I put below to the “search products” other plugin call “ajax product filter” but not work =(



    Thanks for providing the link. I have checked it however when I inspect it, there’s nothing in the sidebar after the Yith woocommerce search widget, perhaps the page is not the default shop page? since I could not see the woocommerce class in the body when I inspect it. If this is a custom shop page (you used avia layout builder and added the shop elements), please check the right widget area. If it’s not helping please provide a temporary admin access (just post the details in private content, so only you and the moderator can view it).

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    Thanks for providing the admin access. I have checked it and can verify that right widget is used but it’s not rendering and no js errors showing. Can we ask for ftp access also? so we can try to debug for php errors.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    Thanks for providing the ftp access, it’s working however I could not find the wp-config.php file, I think it’s the wrong folder.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    Thanks for providing the ftp access and sorry for the late response, I have checked it and I can’t find any errors that would cause the product filter not to appear. Have tested the plugin on my end using the latest version of Enfold, WordPress and Woocommerce but it does work on my end properly. Can you try to switch the theme to a default wordpress theme like twentyseventeen then try adding the yith product filter in footer, if that does not appear then it’s not a theme issue, if it’s the case switch it back to Enfold theme then try deactivating all plugins except for woocommerce and yith plugin filter, if the issue is gone, activate it one by one to know which is causing the conflict. Let us know this helps.

    Best regards,


    thanks Nikko! =)


    Hi luigi,

    Thanks for the feedback, I’m guessing you got things working?

    Best regards,


    I can not solve it =(

    I tried to do everything but not work =(


    Update the theme and others things but not works =(


    Hi luigi,

    Sorry for the late response, can you try to create a staging site (duplicating your site and put it in your subdomain), so we can test it further, it’s a live site and we don’t want to disrupt the visitors on your site, so we can try to debug on the stage site with the same platform and settings as your live site.

    Best regards,


    solved it! Thanks!! =)


    Hi luigi,

    Glad you got it working for you! :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,

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