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  • #1253932

    Hello support.
    Thans for the great support yesterday on forum topic Excellent job.
    Mike made extra code in the functions.php of the parent Enfold theme. All works fine.(line 843 )

    In case there will be an update of the Enfold theme and the functions.php will be overidden I had the idea to move the new code in the parent functions.php to the file functions.php of the Childtheme.and activate the Childtheme of Enfold (used the import option)
    I did so and thought it al would work… but no.
    I had to deactivate the childtheme and moved the copy back from the functiosn.php of the childthemeback to the fiunctions.php of the parent Enfoild theme.
    Then it workd fine again.

    It seems that when I close the Meow lightox the standard Enfold lightbox will be opeend. And that is what Mike fixed in hisd last answer.
    Hope you can help.


    I think I solved the problem myself.
    When not, i will ask support again

    Thanks Henri

    You can close this topic


    Hi Henri,

    Great, I’m glad that you found a solution and thanks for the update. I’ll close this thread for now then, please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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