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  • #1049643
    Dawn Lambert

    I’m doing another site, and need to buy another ENFOLD theme.
    I’m having problems with my current one,, and don’t want to have the same issues.

    It’s very frustrating and I’m not techy-savvy enough to figure it out.

    So, if you could help me with dealing with this current site, I will buy this theme again.

    Here is what my server support said:

    the theme “enfold_all_files_441” is causing issue. You contact the theme vendor with below error:

    PHP Warning: scandir(/hermes/walnaweb05a/b2919/pow.onpointstratscom/htdocs/dressageflow/wp-content/uploads/avia_instagram_cache/): failed to open dir: No such file or directory in /hermes/walnaweb05a/b2919/pow.onpointstratscom/htdocs/dressageflow/wp-content/themes/enfold_all_files_441/enfold/framework/php/class-framework-widgets.php on line 3019

    Please help,
    Dawn Lambert


    Hey Dawn Lambert,

    Sorry for the problem, please try adding this to the very top of your functions.php file, just after the opening PHP tag:


    If you need further technical support then please register on the support forum and open a new thread there.

    Best regards,

    Dawn Lambert
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Dawn Lambert

    * The function within this file are theme specific:
    * they are used only by this theme and not by the Avia Framework in general

    /* wrap embeds into a proportion containing div */
    function avia_preload_screen()
    $class = avia_get_option(‘preloader_transitions’) != “disabled” ? ‘av-transition-enabled’ : “”;
    $label = __(‘Loading’,’avia_framework’);

    Dawn Lambert

    Did I do that correctly?
    I may have missed something, since it did not fix the glitch when updated.

    Dawn Lambert

    Here are the versions I’m running. It states that I am running the latest versions.

    Wordpress: 5.0.2
    Enfold: 4.4.1



    Thanks for the update. Where exactly are you seeing that message? It shouldn’t affect any functionality on your site since it’s only a message, not an error. Also, do you know which PHP version you are running?

    Best regards,

    Dawn Lambert

    Can I send you a screenshot? That would make everything much clearer
    Or, can I give you my admin info, if you don’t already have it?



    Yes you can send a screenshot though I don’t think it would make much difference. Is this affecting any functionality on the site? If not then you could ignore that warning.

    You could also try to update to the latest version of the theme which is 4.5.2. The update to 4.5.2 from the version you are running has to be done manually unfortunately, please refer to my replies in this thread:

    You can either update manually via FTP:, or use a plugin to upload the theme zip file:

    Also please read this thread:

    Best regards,


    Just to refresh the issue:
    I am having a problem with the Avia Layout Builder NOT showing up in my NEW page in the Enfold theme.
    This is a pic of how it looks on the ORIGINAL pages that WORK:

    And this is a pic of how it works NOW. There is NO Layout Builder.

    I read the links you sent, and got lost. I have very minimal coding skills. I am sending you all my admin info. Hope you can help.



    Thanks for that, though the screenshots are not public so I couldn’t view them. Please try to install this plugin:, or disable the Gutenberg editor using this in your functions.php file:

    // disable for posts
    add_filter('use_block_editor_for_post', '__return_false', 10);
    // disable for post types
    add_filter('use_block_editor_for_post_type', '__return_false', 10);

    Best regards,

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