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  • #1304292

    Hello and good evening,
    I have a question concerning a problem with the Theme Demo Visual Artist.
    The two header Pictures on my ABOUT side disappear on mobile Devices like iPad or iPhone. The side works properly in the desktop version. I know that I did something wrong because in the demo it works, but I don’t know what I did wrong. Could you help me?
    Thanks a lot,


    Hey Eva,

    Thanks for contacting us!

    Could you please create temporary admin logins and post them here privately so we can look into it? Your website looks great by the way :)

    Best regards,


    Hey Yigit,
    thank you for your fast answer, I think I know what the Problem is. Found it here:
    ( I didn’t install the Child Theme, so I can’t fix it the way it is explained there. If there is no other possibility I try to install the Child Theme and then I will try it again.)
    The Problem are the fixed Background Pictures on the about site. I changed the Background Pictures from fixed to scroll and now it ‘works’ on Ipad. Alas, the nice effect is lost. Perhaps you can have a look at it?
    Thanks a lot for your help!

    P.S. And thank you! I’m happy you like it :)


    PPS.: I changed the settings of the Background pictures back to ‘fixed’. In the desktop version you can see what effect I would like to have :).



    Unfortunately mobile devices do not support fixed and parallax attachments so those effects are lost unfortunately.
    I tried a workaround I found online however that did not work so I duplicated your second Color Section and set background to scroll and background repeat to “scale to fit” and chose to display it only on mobile. It is not as how you wanted but it looks better on my opinion.

    Could you please review your page? :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit,

    whoooohooo! Now it looks a lot better on mobile phone! Thanks a lot! That’s exactly what I wanted, it’s ok to have the effect only in the desktop version.
    (But on the tablet the pictures stay vanished. That’s confusing…I guess there is no possibility to solve that?)
    Thanks al lot for your help! :)))
    Best regards


    Hi Eva,

    I edited your Color Sections and chose to display second one on medium sized screens as well however, unfortunately I do not have an actual tablet so I could not check. On browser it does look good. Could you please check on tablet? :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit,

    it is not working… both pictures stays hidden. :( I am sorry to bother you with that. It seems to be quite complicated.

    With best regards and thank you again,


    Hi Eva,

    I added following code to bottom of Quick CSS field as well

    @media only screen and (max-width: 1024px) {
    .avia-safari #top mob-fixed{
    	background-attachment: scroll !important;
    	background-size: cover;

    Could you please flush browser cache on your mobile device and check once again?

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit,
    I flushed the browser cache, but nothing changed.I will ask some friends to check it on their devices, maybe the problem is just mine.
    Thank you again!!
    With best regards, Eva


    Hi Yigit,
    now I have some feedback from others: Everything works fine on iPhone and Android-Phones, but on iPads the Pictures stay hidden.
    I put a Colour section with a picture inside on top of the side (blocked it for the Desktop Version), it appears on the phone, but stays hidden on the tablet…
    I think that’s really weird, isn’t it?
    With best regards,


    Hey Eva,

    I am sorry for my late reply!

    I could not reproduce the issue when I tested your site in responsive mode on macOS Safari. I will ask my teammates to check your website on actual tablet.

    Please reply to this thread so it can be added back to our queue :)

    Best regards,


    Hey Yigit,

    there is not need for an excuse! I am very thankful that you are dealing with it so intensely.
    So thank you again :)

    Best regards,

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