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  • #539137

    Hi guys,
    I can’t figure out what I have done with my navigation area of enfold.
    look at this screen grab
    When I make the browser window smaller, the navigation jumps way down on the page into the content.
    I can’t figure out why this is happening.

    Here is the address of site to see for yourself

    I hope you can help me figure this one out


    Hi fixedopsinsight!

    It’s not happening on my end. What operating system and browser are you using? Does it happen when you view in a different browser?

    Try clearing your browser cache and if your using a caching plugin then be sure to clear it’s cache.



    your right Elliott, I don’t see the effect anymore
    It must have been on my end.
    I searched through the enfold settings looking for the reason
    sorry to bother you on this issue.

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