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  • #1312877

    I am fairly new to WP, and don’t mess with code much, however, everything on the site was running fine until I created a product within the WooCommerce plugin. The nav header and logo on my set got pushed towards the middle about an “inch” on both sides(I’m assuming to make room for their cart icon when items are in the cart). If I deactivate the WooCommerce plugin it seems to go back to normal.

    So I’m curious, what changed? How can I continue to run WooCommerce but not have the site “squished” for their cart icon (Which I already have in the nav menu anyways)

    I’ve tried a few Quick CSS codes from similar threads but everything I try caused problems on the site elsewhere.

    Help would be greatly appreciated!


    Hi ihawkr14,

    Thanks for giving us admin access.
    I tried to check on the issue but I can’t seem to see it on my end even if I set the cart to Always Display floating on the side.
    Since you already have the cart icon on the menu, you can choose not to show it at all in Enfold > Shop Options > Header Shopping Cart Icon.
    Hope this helps.

    Best regards,

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