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  • #1397205

    The navigation menus on a few websites I made for clients, are oddly not displaying. They all share the same hosting account if that helps but I’m not sure what to do from here. I’ve never seen this. I get like the logo & if the site has it selected the search icon and social icons, but no actual menus. When I go to the menus section from the backend, there are no menu items displayed there either like they are blank. Please help asap! Thanks!


    Hey blinkmm,

    Please send us a temporary WordPress admin login and login URL so that we can have a closer look. You can post the details in the Private Content section of your reply.

    Best regards,


    Okay, so yesterday I experienced the menus disappear then they randomly re-appeared later that day. Then looking again this morning they were gone. looking now, one came back and one did not. I’m fully expecting them to disappear again with no notice. Thank you again for looking into this. Credentials are attached.


    Just an update since my last message…



    Thank you for the update.

    We tried to login to the site using the account above, but it seems to be invalid. Please check the info carefully or provide another admin account. For the meantime, please try to toggle or temporarily disable the Enfold > Performance > File Compression settings and purge the cache. Disabling the compression might help fix the issue.

    Best regards,


    My apologies. I updated the password. It worked for me prior to sending it yesterday. Perhaps you need an email rather than user id to login instead, I have the associated email with you along with the pass to try.

    On another note. When checking the websites this morning 2 out of 3 were not displaying their navigation. I disabled the css & java script file merging options as suggested, cleared the cache and after refreshing they all 3 appeared.

    So great news it seems we may have found a temporary solution that should help lead to the root of the problem. My question is, can you still find a resolve so that I can still include the site performance or am I now stuck without that option for some reason?

    Again, thank you so much for the help.


    Another update,

    I decided to try calling GoDaddy support seeing the websites were all hosted on the same account and had the same issues at the same time. GoDaddy acknowledged that they are currently experiencing hosting issues specifically with all cPanel accounts and that database information loss could be an experienced issue. They are set to message me once the servers are fixed but it’s been at least a week they’ve known and have been working on this issue. I thought you’d want to know and keep this in mind while looking into things deeper. I’ll keep you posted with them, and the same with your findings please. Thank you very much.


    Sorry to hear you are having trouble with GoDaddy database, we will leave this open to hear back from you when they are able to resolve this for you.
    I tried to view the backend of the three sites but the login didn’t work on any of them, if the menu is set in the backend and not showing on the frontend due to a database error with GoDaddy I believe you will need to wait for GoDaddy to resolve the database issue first.

    Best regards,


    GoDaddy ultimately did not inform me that the problem has been fixed however it’s been a few weeks and I have not been experiencing the same issues so I will consider this issue resolved and caused by GoDaddy hosting. I greatly appreciated your willingness to help and availability. Thanks.


    Glad to hear that you have this sorted out, if you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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