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  • #768904

    Are there any quick CSS snippets available to apply to the Nav – Navigation container, which holds the main navigation menu?

    I would like items in this container to resize based on screen size, so that the main menu on a site is more responsive before dropping to the mobile hamburger menu.

    I am just testing a site locally so no specific site i can aim you at.

    I’ve looked at many enfold based sites and most seems to have that same issue where the main menu items do not resize(font etc) at all when you change screen sizes.


    Hey verotik66,

    There are many ways to make the menu responsive: you can reduce paddings and margins of the list elements, you can make the font smaller, decrease the min-width of the list elements or links. Addressing just the nav might not do the job for you.

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,

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