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  • #23359


    I need an urgent help. I have installed a plugin called Event Manager – . This plugin works well with my other themes but on enfold when trying to create a new event ticket to an event using data picker, I get a popup windows which I am suppose to use to enter the data or change the data. I can see the field for entering information, but when click I am not able to enter text or any information into the text boxes. It all grey out.

    Here is the link to this issue:

    I have done my research and here is what I got from the plugin site:

    Here is the information from plugin support site:

    My DatePicker isn’t working, so I can’t enter or edit events?!

    In most cases where this happens, it is a result of your theme not using the internal WordPress jQuery libraries, resulting in an error when we try to use them. Your theme should be using the same version of jQuery as WordPress. Read Marcus’ post about themes overriding the default jQuery libraries for more information on fixing your theme.

    End of info from plugin site

    Please can you help in resolving this?




    Please create me a wordpress admin account and send me the login data to: (Email address hidden if logged out) – I’ll look into it.





    I have sent you an admin login as requested.




    I fixed it. I added following code to functions.php:

    function avia_editor_fix_style() {
    echo '<style type="text/css">body>.ui-widget-overlay{z-index: 1000 !important;}</style>';

    add_action('admin_head', 'avia_editor_fix_style');

    I’ll tag this thread for Kriesi too – it seems like he’s using a very high z-index value for the overlay which can break other plugins with modal windows. Code in avia-modal.css:

    /*legacy thickbox scripts should be displayed above modal window*/
    body #TB_overlay, body>.ui-widget-overlay{
    z-index: 1000 !important;
    body #TB_window, body>.ui-dialog.ui-widget{
    z-index: 200001;


    Excellent work.


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