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  • #331759

    – we’re using AJAX portfolios
    – sorted/categories is on
    – pagination is on, 12 items per page
    – around 21 items, so 2 pages

    A few problems:

    – if on first page, categories of items on second page are not displayed in the sorting bar
    – if items from same category span both pages, clicking that category only surfaces items on current page

    For now my workaround is to remove pagination and bump the item number to fit all items on a single page. But eventually we’re going to have dozens, and probably 120+, of items to sort, so this won’t scale.

    Here’s our workaround page, the one the public sees for now:

    Here’s a demo page I created of our original design with pagination so you can experience the problem as I describe above. Try the Social Networking category—apps from that span both pages, but you’ll only see them if you click through to each page, then click the category:

    I’m sure this is a weird, complex problem, so thanks for your help!


    Hey David!

    Unfortunately that’s currently a limitation, sorting will only work with the elements present in the current page.



    Ok thanks. Could you submit this as a bug report/feature request then? It’s really confusing to click one of these categories but not see every item in it.



    Please request it here.

    Best regards, 

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