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  • #1335272

    Hallo allerseits, wir haben auf der Startseite als Hintergrundvideo ein mp4 Video eingebaut. Datenmenge 7,3 MB. Die Ladezeit des Videos ist fürchterlich lang. Zudem erscheint bei Apple Phones statt des Video-Clips nur ein schwarzer Hintergrund.

    Wir hatten im ersten Step das Video auf Youtube hochgeladen und auf Youtube verlinkt, auch da war die Ladezeit viel zu lange. Eine Bekannte hat testweise auf ihre eigene Website den Youtube-Link in den Headerslider eingebaut, da startet der Clip problemlos.

    Habt ihr einen Tipp was wir falsch gemacht haben?


    Hey ScharfDM,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    The video loads fine on our end but the current file size is still huge. You might want to consider shortening the video or decrease its quality. Also, please note that background videos are disabled on mobile devices by default, at least in the case of the color section and sliders. This is why you have to add a fallback image. The fallback image will automatically replace the background video on mobile view.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    Thank you very much for your quick reply. We have now compressed the video so that it is only a third of the size. Nevertheless, it loads extremely slowly.

    What we don’t understand about this: On another wordpress website the video was also loaded into the header and there it starts immediately. Without any loading time. Is there possibly a plugin or setting that can influence this?

    Best, Christine



    Thank you for the update.

    Looks like you are using the Revolution Slider on the previous site. There is a preloader option in the revolution slider, which prevents the slider from loading immediately while the video is still loading. It waits for the video to buffer before actually displaying the slider, so it looks like the video starts immediately once the slider is visibile. The preloader option is not available in the default slider. You may need to use the layer slider or the revolution slider and replace the current one.

    Best regards,

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