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  • #1235256

    So i managed to move product description out of tabs and was able to hook it after the product summary, but in doing so, alot of the enfold functionality doesn’t get applied like the column layout styling and what not. Is there anyway to avoid this from happening. I provided screen shots of what it should look like when its in the product summary and what it looks like after the product summary.

    Production Description after product summary:


    function woocommerce_template_product_description() {
    	echo '<div class="proddesc">';
    wc_get_template( 'single-product/tabs/description.php' );
    	echo '</div>';
    add_action( 'woocommerce_after_single_product_summary', 'woocommerce_template_product_description', 60 );

    production description in product summary:


    function woocommerce_template_product_description() {
    	echo '<div class="proddesc">';
    wc_get_template( 'single-product/tabs/description.php' );
    	echo '</div>';
    add_action( 'woocommerce_single_product_summary', 'woocommerce_template_product_description', 60 );

    Actually i think i figured it out… these woocommerce hooks are tricky but powerful! but still any insight will be helpful :)



    Thanks for the update. Did you get things working or do you still need help with this?

    Best regards,


    Nope i am good now! Thanks though! but i still need this to be answered: :D :D



    We will go look at the other thread. Should you need anything else, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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