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  • #1278609

    Dear Team,

    this is only a question to you, since you will probably know better.

    Do you know of anyway to export/import the SEO-Data from the “Events Calender” to another Event-Plugin like e.g. the “Modern Events Calender”?

    I have contacted the Plugin authors, Yoast, WP-Allimport but they couldn´t help.



    Hey Asterios,

    This is out of the scope of the support that we provide here. We are not able to help you with this, unfortunately.

    You might want to hire a freelancer to maybe help you with this.

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    I am of course aware of this. I was just looking for some help since I can´t find anything to do the job.
    Thank you for the suggestion.


    P.S. You may close the topic.



    If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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