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  • #463679


    Did you change the location of the social icons for the members element? I would like to make it so that any social icons appear (with their icons) below the titles… is that possible?

    For en example, please see

    Thank you so much!


    As a follow-up: I am trying to make the icons appear below the titles, and then remove the lightbox from the member image.




    If you’d like we can move them so they display beneath the image. Add this to your custom CSS.

    .team-social {
      border: 0 none !important;
      display: block !important;
      height: 60px;
      opacity: 1 !important;
      position: relative !important;
      visibility: visible !important;



    Hi Elliot!

    Thank you so much for the help! I really appreciate it. This is definitely better – but is there a way to get it to move to under the job description? I am comfortable modifying code if I need to.

    Thanks so much!



    You can modify the config-templatebuilder > aviashortcodes > team.php file, look for this code:

    						$output .= "<div class='team-social'>";
    							$output .= "<div class='team-social-inner'>";
    							foreach($socials as $social)
    								//set defaults
    								$social['attr'] =  shortcode_atts(array('link' => '',  'link_target' => '', 'icon' => '','font'=>'','title' => '' ), $social['attr'], 'av_social');
    								//build link for each social item
    								$tooltip = $social['attr']['title'] ? 'data-avia-tooltip="'.$social['attr']['title'].'"' : "";
    								$target  = $social['attr']['link_target'] ? "target='_blank'" : "";
    								//apply special class in case its a link to a known social media service
    								$social_class = $this->get_social_class($social['attr']['link']);
                                    if(strstr($social['attr']['link'], '@'))
                                        $markup = avia_markup_helper(array('context' => 'email','echo'=>false, 'custom_markup'=>$custom_markup));
                                        $markup = avia_markup_helper(array('context' => 'url','echo'=>false, 'custom_markup'=>$custom_markup));
    								$display_char = av_icon($social['attr']['icon'], $social['attr']['font']);
                                    $output .= "<span class='hidden av_member_url_markup {$social_class}' $markup>".$social['attr']['link']."</span>";
    								$output.= "<a rel='v:url' {$tooltip} {$target} class='{$social_class} avia-team-icon ' href='".$social['attr']['link']."' {$display_char}>";
    								$output.= "</a>";
    							$output .= "</div>";
    						$output .= "</div>";

    Place it underneath the team-member-description container. Please create a changelog or a note about this modification in case you update the theme.

    Best regards,

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