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  • #762255

    I have purchased The Events Calendar Pro from Modern Tribe, which is supported by Enfold. On a page, called Calendar, I am trying to modify the view of:

    Avia Layout Builder >> Plugin Additions >> Upcoming Events

    For example, the current view looks like screenshot below. I would like to add the Organizer field to each listing.
    Screenshot Page <a href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'/ rel=Events Calendar Upcoming Events" />

    I am using a child theme, Enfold-Child

    Which file would I modify?


    Hey kphillips22,

    that’s a question best ask inside Events Calendar Support forum, as they know their plugin best.

    Best regards,


    I believe this is modified by the Enfold theme, so would fall under Enfold support, because the code I am trying to locate is in:

    Avia Layout Builder >> Plugin Additions >> Upcoming Events

    It is not clear to me what file is called by the Layout Builder in this case to determine the template of these Event entries.




    we can’t help you with this kind of customization. We’re here to help you if things do not work the way as they are meant to work. But what you’re asking is a customization, which goes beyond our scope of support. So please contact plugin’s author or hire a freelance developer for this job:

    Best regards,


    Unhelpful response notwithstanding, I was able to find the files that I need in order to make the modification I’m attempting.

    The two files are both part of the Enfold package. These are:

    (1) wp-content\themes\enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\events_upcoming.php
    (2) wp-content\themes\enfold\config-events-calendar\event-mod.css

    I was able to locate these by enabling the debug field for the Advanced Layout Builder, which showed me that the inserted shortcode was:

    [av_upcoming_events items='6' paginate='yes' custom_class='']



    glad you could find a solution. Let us know in a new ticket if you have some more questions related to the theme. We are happy to assist you.

    Best regards,

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