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  • #808678


    I have had a request to create a pop-up window/ donation form which would appear over our home page, and only once when a new visitor navigates to our site. The pop up form would be for our Summer Donation program. Is there an ability within Enfold to create such a modal window, or can you recommend a WordPress plug-in which would provide that functionality?

    I am aware that many people have enabled pop-up blockers. The effect we’re looking for can be shown here:

    Thank you,

    Jim Geiger


    Hey James,

    We do not offer a default form with that functionality however you can try the following plugin which would be unblockable:

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Thank you Jordan for the quick response. I’m looking for a more open way of presenting a popup box/form. Have you had any experience with Popup Maker? Here’s their link:


    Jim Geiger



    I’m not sure what you mean by a “more open” way. Can you explain, and I’ll see if I can offer more advice.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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