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  • #863616


    in der mobilen Ansicht verschwindet der Hamburger-Icon für das Mobile Menü.
    Ich hab schon einige Sachen im QuickCSS ausprobiert, aber nichts funktionierte.

    Bitte um Hilfe!


    Hey tom1989,

    It looks like the theme files have not been properly overwritten by the update, there are some old html elements that are not supposed to be there anymore. Please, update your theme via FTP.

    Es sieht so aus, als ob die Theme-Dateien vom Update nicht korrekt überschrieben wurden. Es gibt einige alte HTML-Elemente, die nicht mehr vorhanden sein sollen. Bitte aktualisieren Sie Ihr Thema per FTP.

    Best regards,


    Guten Morgen,

    sobald ich die functions.php austausche (gegen die auf dem Update-Paket) funktioniert das Menü und der Slider nicht mehr richtig, dafür ist aber das Burger-Icon vom Mobile-Menü da…


    Hi Thomas,

    Was meinst du, sie funktionieren nicht richtig? Haben Sie Änderungen an functions.php vorgenommen? Welche Version von PHP laufen Sie?

    What do you mean, they do not work properly? Did you make any changes in functions.php? Which version of php are you running?
    Best regards,



    so when i rewrite the functions.php in wp-content/theme/enfold the slider-element and also the lightbox-gallery don’t work.
    The Slide shows the bullet-points on bottom but no picture is loading or showing and on an other page the lightbox-gallery isn’t loading. When i click on the picture, this one opens in the same window instead of loading a lightbox-gallery with forward/back-buttons to navigate through the gallery.


    Hi tom1989,

    This should not be happening, are there errors in the console? Do you have a test server where we see the issues when you replace functions.php? I understand, that this is a live site and we don’t want to break it.

    Best regards,



    i can replace the functions.php and i can show you the things that not work fine. there is noch error message or something else. Lets check the website, i replace the functions.php file with the new one and you can check it.


    Hi Thomas,

    The js folder in the theme is missing the files. Please get a fresh copy from themeforest and upload them via FTP.
    Here is what is supposed to be there

    Best regards,


    Hey Victoria,

    thanks for your request – the js-Folder is now updated and all new files are now on the serve but the Slider still doesn’t work … and also the lightbox-effect doesn’t



    How can we login to the site? I tried “wp-admin” but it redirects to another page.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    i write the data in the private content for login. pleasy try it with these one



    We actually need the login url. Using “wp-admin” or “wp-login” just redirects to the home page.

    Best regards,


    ooooh damn … sorry



    The JavaScript files are still missing. Can you give us FTP access in private?

    Best regards,




    Hi tom1989,

    I see the files on FTP, but not on the website, I guess it’s file permission issues.
    Here is an article on that

    Best regards,


    On Folder “js” the attributes is on 755 – the files in the folder are on 644 … should be right, or not?



    : Call to undefined method AviaHelper::av_print_mobile_sizes() in

    We found the error above. Please make sure that the theme files are completely updated. Download version 4.2 in you themeforest account then update the theme manually via FTP.


    Best regards,



    i have uploaded the new files two times but the backend doesn’t show the new version-number of the theme. So i updated it in Backend and now the Mobile-Menu works perfectly.



    Great! Glad that it is working now. Please feel free to open a new thread if you need anything else.

    Best regards,

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