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  • #987034

    Hi, please have a look at the provided link (Onepager). And please use your Smartphone – on mobile simulation (Desktop) it is working fine!
    Use the mobile burgermenu to navigate – but you do not reach exactly the point where you shoud come to (the blue headlines). Tried the followimg solution:

    But it did not work
    Any idea??

    Thank you!


    Hey SvHa,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Try to adjust the scroll offset value on mobile view.

    add_filter('avf_header_setting_filter', 'avf_header_setting_filter_mod', 9999, 1);
    function avf_header_setting_filter_mod($header) {
            if( wp_is_mobile() ) {
    	    $header['header_scroll_offset'] = $header['header_scroll_offset'] + 48;
    	return $header;

    Adjust the value “48” as needed.

    Best regards,


    …okay, but where do i have to put this code?? header.php??
    Thank you :-)



    No, not in header.php. Please try in your functions.php file.

    Best regards,


    …sorry, but it doesn`t work. I give you the access in private content. Maybe you can have a closer look. Thank you!



    The main container’s scroll offset value is set to 210. It was set to 70 before so the filter is working. Does it affect the scrolling position on mobile view?

    Best regards,


    … sorry, the position did not change :-( Any further idea?
    Thanks a lot!



    Odd. I’ll ask the rest of the team to check it on mobile. Please wait for their response.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,
    still no idea?
    Thanks :-)



    Unfortunately, we have not found any issues.

    Best regards,

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