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  • #1417729


    I have installed MightySlider on my front-page, which works fine with the normal main menu in desktop mode. Unfortunately, on a mobile device, the dropdown-menu (the three bars) doesn’t open. How can I fix that?

    Thank you!


    Hi kuba9991,

    The burger menu does not seem to appear on mobile, did you remove it?

    Best regards,


    Sorry, I was trying to fix this via quick css changes.
    Now the burger menu is visible again but doesn’t unfold on the front page. If you could take a look, please. Thank you!



    Thanks for the update. Could you try updating the theme to the latest version (5.6.6) to see if that helps please?

    Best regards,


    I have upated the theme but the problem remains….

    Please note that I have edited front-page.php to the following to use MightySlider:

    <?php /*
    This page is used to display the static frontpage.

    // Fetch theme header template
    <iframe src=”fullscreen-slider-with-kenburns-effect.html” style=”display:block; border:none; height:100vh; width:100%; “></iframe>

    <!– This page is generated outside of WP by: /wp-content/themes/CURRENT-THEME/home.php –>
    <!– Your HTML Code Here –>


    If you remove this code does the mobile menu then work? I ask because it looks like you are also using the elementor plugin which could be causing the conflict.

    Best regards,


    Yes, when I remove the code (e.g., by renaming front-page.php), it does work. I thought the problem might be caused by the iframe? But you are right, I am using the element or plugin, although not for the front-page. Any suggestions?
    Thank you,


    Try adding the iframe code to a code block element at the top of the page. Perhaps the slider js is capturing the click instead of the burger menu?

    Best regards,


    Could you help me how to do that? I am not familiar with code blocks, and also not sure what you mean by “top of the page”. Thank you!


    Try using the code block element from the Advanced Layout Builder

    Best regards,


    I tried this, still doesn’t work… I don’t think the slider is capturing the click, as clicking on the search icon next to the burger menu works. The burger menu just doesn’t open.

    <?php /*
    This page is used to display the static frontpage.

    // Fetch theme header template

    <section class=”avia_codeblock_section avia_code_block_0″ itemscope=”itemscope” itemtype=””&gt;
    <div class=’avia_codeblock ‘ itemprop=”text”>
    <iframe src=”fullscreen-slider-with-kenburns-effect.html” style=”display:block; border:none; height:100vh; width:100%; “>

    <!– This page is generated outside of WP by: /wp-content/themes/CURRENT-THEME/home.php –>
    <!– Your HTML Code Here –>


    Sorry I notice now that your code is php so that won’t work. When I click on the search icon it doesn’t open the ajax search field like it should, instead it preforms a empty search. I’m not sure why the slider is causing this.

    Best regards,

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