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  • #929286

    Auf https://kompetenz-check.ch führen wir u.a. einen kleinen Blog in den Sprachen Deutsch (Hauptsprache) und Englisch. Im Child Theme wurde jeweils in den Blog-Settings eine separate Seite mit Nutzung des erweiterten Layout Editors aktiviert, unter Einbindung einer Masonry-Blog-Post-Darstellung. Das funktioniert in der Originalsprache einwandfrei. Die ensprechenden Texte konnten mit WPML problemlos übersetzt werden. Wenn man jedoch von Deutsch auf Englisch wechselt, wird die Blog-Seite nicht angezeigt, sprich: Sowohl der obere einleitende Blog-Text, wie das Masonry-Element werden nicht angezeigt (der Inhalt zeigt weisse Fläche). Woran könnte das liegen?
    Besten Dank!


    Hey René,

    Could you please post for us in English – so we can be able to actually help you properly?

    Best regards,


    Hi Basilis,
    following your request for translation, here it comes:

    On https://kompetenz-check.ch we offer – amongst other – a small blog in German (main language) and English. In the Child Theme, a separate page was created with the extended layout editor and activated in order to incorporate a Blog title and its purpose, followed by a Masonry overview of all the blog posts (currently only one post). This works fine in the original German language. The corresponding texts could be easily translated with WPML. However, if you change view from German to English, the blog page is not displayed, that is: Both the top introductory blog text, as well as the Masonry element are not displayed (the content shows white area). Any solution for this?
    Thank you very much!



    When you create a new page, do you add that page with the custom template and with the translations used?

    Best regards,


    Hi Basilis

    Thanks for your reply.
    Not sure whether I understand you correctly. I have just created a new post in German called “Test-Beitrag” and created a translation into English with WPML. It integrates nicely on the German Blog-Page as you can see here: https://kompetenz-check.ch/blog/ However, if you select English, it will display a white page only without the Blog-Page-Title and the Blog Post itself. (see here: https://kompetenz-check.ch/en/blog/). If you return to the German Blog-Page and open the post, then select English, the post is properly displayed (and thus translated) in English.
    Any more ideas for a solution? Many thanks in advance!

    Cheerio, René



    Thank you for the update.

    Did you translate the categories or taxonomies of the posts?

    // https://wpml.org/documentation/getting-started-guide/translating-post-categories-and-custom-taxonomies/

    Best regards,


    Thanks for the hint, Ismael. Problem solved!



    Glad that we are able to help you :) Thanks for using Enfold and have a great day!

    Best regards,

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