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  • #1211314

    fyi, i have disabled the Gutenberg editor & am only using the Classic editor.

    when you click from the Visual to the Text tab at the top right of the editor, i can see all the html except the P tags.

    these P tags are actually there tho, as i can see them in the rendered webpage’s source code. so why can’t i see them there?

    i did search a lot about this and it seems like everything i could find is about whether or not WP should insert P tags at all. but that’s not what i’m talking about. regardless, i did try all the removing then re-adding of the “wpautop” filter in the functions file. but that made no difference.

    and i did see the suggestions to add a dummy class to the P tags i want to see, but that’s not a good solution (imo).

    and i even found a suggestion to edit an Enfold source file, but that makes me nervous, despite that it would probably be written over at a future update.

    next i found the TinyMCE Advanced plugin, which has a setting specifically for this reason – only, it doesn’t work! i have sent the author a message but not heard back yet.

    i’ve also tried all the various code/syntax highlighting/styling plugins, but i couldn’t get ANY of them to provide anything to this Text tab.
    so i’m wondering if it’s because the Classic Editor is being used INSIDE the Enfold Advanced Layer Builder editor(?).

    ideally, i would love to see this Text tab be a full functioning html editor, complete with appropriate coloring & spacing & line numbers etc. and, yeah, to show ALL the used html from the Visual tab – and that we can go back’n’forth between the two tabs without any code or styling disappearing!!!

    i did discover the “source code” button in TinyMCE Advanced settings and activated it. but the code it shows is a jumbled mess with no spacing or coloring. not an ideal solution either.

    SO, any hints, ideas, suggestions, hacks, plugins, etc etc about this?


    Hey SyberKnight,

    Please post us your login credentials (in the “private data” field), so we can take a look at your backend.

    1. Install and activate ” Temporary Login Without Password “.
    2. Go to ” Users > Temporary Logins ” on the left-side menu.
    3. Click ” Create New “.
    4. Add the email address for the account ( you can use (Email address hidden if logged out) ), as well as the ” Role ” making that the highest possible and the expiry about four days
      ( to be sure that we have enough time to debug ).
    5. Click ” Submit “.
    6. You’ll now have a temporary account. Please provide us here in the private section the URL, so we can login and help you out.

    When your issue is fixed, you can always remove the plugin!
    If you prefer to not use the plugin, you can manually create an admin user and post the login credentials in the “private data” field.

    Best regards,


    well, i can do that, but… not sure why. what i’m talking about seems to be standard across multiple websites that use Enfold. i am new to WordPress & so far i’ve only use Enfold as a theme, so i don’t know how the TinyMCE “Classic” Text tab behaves normally (or in other themes).

    i am assuming that by your message, you believe (or know to be true) that <p> tags ARE visible in that editor, & you want access to mine because you believe what i’m experiencing is an error that can be fixed – right/wrong?

    i’ve worked on 5 completely separate Enfold WP sites/projects thus far, & this behavior is true with all of them. so how is getting in to my site going to help?

    (and i do appreciate your time & attention:-)


    Hi SyberKnight,

    I apologize for misunderstanding.

    With regards to wpautop, Enfold does use it, if you wish to remove that from the Text Block you can go to enfold > config-templatebuilder > avia-shortcodes > textblock.php and find this code (line 267, Enfold 4.7.4):

    $output .=		"<div class='avia_textblock {$custom_class} {$av_font_classes}' {$extra_styling} {$markup_text}>" . ShortcodeHelper::avia_apply_autop( ShortcodeHelper::avia_remove_autop( $content ) ) . '</div>';

    replace it with:

    <pre><code>$output .=		"<div class='avia_textblock {$custom_class} {$av_font_classes}' {$extra_styling} {$markup_text}>" . ShortcodeHelper::avia_remove_autop( $content ) . '</div>';

    to make it permanent, you can check out:

    This static function ShortcodeHelper::avia_apply_autop() is the one that’s used in multiple files/elements, though I would not suggest modifying it since it will just be replaced during theme update.

    ideally, i would love to see this Text tab be a full functioning html editor, complete with appropriate coloring & spacing & line numbers etc. and, yeah, to show ALL the used html from the Visual tab – and that we can go back’n’forth between the two tabs without any code or styling disappearing!!!
    The Text Block in Enfold does use Classic Editor so all those formats showing on top of the classic editor will also be similar when using Text Block.
    Basically Visual mode is like a Microsoft Word while Text mode is like a Code Editor, it won’t show any colors and some options/format won’t be available but switching from Visual to Text and the other way around shouldn’t cause any code or styles removed, most likely what happens is some code (Text) shows as a color in Visual mode.

    Best regards,


    The Text Block in Enfold does use Classic Editor so all those formats showing on top of the classic editor will also be similar when using Text Block.
    Basically Visual mode is like a Microsoft Word while Text mode is like a Code Editor, it won’t show any colors and some options/format won’t be available but switching from Visual to Text and the other way around shouldn’t cause any code or styles removed, most likely what happens is some code (Text) shows as a color in Visual mode.

    yes – the Text Block IS what i’m referring to.

    no – the Text TAB in the Text BLOCK does NOT show all the P tags, unless a p tag includes a class or styles etc. otherwise, it is always missing. not just in my installation, but in several others on other servers by other people.

    this is NOT a “wpautop” issue (to my understanding).
    this is apparently how the text TAB works. i am hoping for a way to make the text TAB show all the P tags as well as any other tags it might be “hiding”. i say “hiding” because they ARE actually there, their just not shown in this TAB.

    i’m surprised nobody else has complained about this or asked for a workaround.

    BUT… all that to say, i am now utilizing the “Code View” button available after installing the TinyMCE Advanced plugin.
    unfortunately, that also has visual problems in that it does not keep any hard returns or indents.


    Hi SyberKnight,

    To be honest I haven’t experienced something like with Text Block.
    When using the Classic Editor or Text Block, in the backend it doesn’t show that it has < p > tags but once it’s processed in the frontend, that’s where it’s added.

    Best regards,

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