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  • #949555

    Info provided by a plugin Query Monitor version 3.2
    Some of these files have a similar file installed but they end with .js and not _js
    I have cleared cache and have disabled all plugins except Query Monitor and still found Broken Dependencies:
    It seems that some js files are called from template-builder.class.php but they do not exist in the last enfold version as mentioned below.

    Missing Dependencies avia_tab_section_js
    avia_builder_js (missing)
    avia_modal_js (missing)
    Missing Dependencies avia_table_js
    avia_modal_js (missing)
    Missing Dependencies avia_tab_toggle_js
    avia_modal_js (missing)
    Missing Dependencies avia_media_js
    avia_element_js (missing)
    The ubove are red flaged by the plugin. What are the suggestions.


    Hey marcelimo,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    The avia_builder_js and the avia_modal_js are only used when the advance layout builder is active. You should not see those warnings if you’re editing a page with ALB. They are not critical and should not affect the site.

    Best regards,

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