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  • #23818

    I just lost the “Advanced Layout Editor” on the website. Nothing displays. All was well last evening when I stopped work for the day. Today – I used WP plug-in Redirection ( to enter 301’s. When I went to edit pages – the layout editor was “gone”.

    Tried deactivation Redirection – didn’t help.

    Oh – I just activated the theme at this location – moved content from a development location yesterday. If that helps.

    website is

    I am desperate. Please help.


    Hi jgwyant,

    At the top of the page editor, look for the Screen options tab and open it up. Then see if the Advanced Layout Editor checkbox is checked. If it is not, check it and the option should appear once again.

    If its already checked, try re-installing the theme files on top of themselves in case something got corrupted somehow.




    Devin –thank you, thank you. I never even noticed the screen option tab before.

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