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  • #947361

    I have an existing site that is using the Enfold Theme (4.1.2) and WooCommerce 3.20. This site is active on the Go Daddy Managed WordPress Platform. This platform has PHP 5.x and not the latest 7.1. So…. I am not able to implement the latest WooCommerce if I don’t have PHP 7.x, so I am going to migrate this site to a new hosting plan with PHP 7.x. The existing site has several pages with content, plus the entire shopping cart with lots of products and orders and such.

    The new hosting plan has been provisioned, but I have not installed the WordPress engine yet, because I am waiting for the domain name to transfer from one registrar to another. Once the domain name is transferred, I can begin migrating the existing site over to the new hosting plan.

    The Enfold theme has a new version 4.3, and I am aware of the bug regarding the layer slider and short codes.

    How should I migrate the existing site to the new hosting plan? For example, should I do a fresh install of WordPress from the hosting control panel, to then install the Enfold Theme 4.3 as a new blank theme. If I do it this way, can I export and import the theme options from the existing 4.1.2 theme? Also, I will be wanting to migrate the WooCommerce from the existing 3.2 to become the latest 3.35.

    Please advise…..


    Hey JZNAMZ,
    If I understand correctly, your site is active. In this case I would recommend migrating your site as is with a plugin such as
    Then if your host offers staging sites, you can create a staging copy of your site to upgrade to v4.3 and test.

    Best regards,

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