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  • #891152

    Hey guys hope you can point in the right direction with this small issue.

    I have a content slider with woocommerce products diplaying…
    the product title includes a symbol for Micro Litre which is part of the Product title.. This displays correctly as the symbol everywhere, product listing, cart, etc. but on the product slider title it shows as “ML” if I change the case to Lower or none the “M” just dissapears.. Any suggestion where to look or the possible issue. (problem page) (works fine) (works fine)



    Hey NigelWebb,
    Please try removing ‘Coda’ font from your custom css for h2. and changing the text-transform to none using this css:

     .template-page .entry-content-wrapper h2 {
        text-transform: none!important; }

    Best regards,

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