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  • #1083001

    I have a visual problem in my blog. The meta info of the single post (author, category, date) is not displayed in the single place.
    In the theme Options-> Blog Layout-> Blog meta elements are all unchecked.

    The meta elements are not displayed on the blog page:
    How can i solve?
    Thanks for your support


    any news for this problem?
    thank you.


    You should check the settings of the ALB-element you use directly.
    It has the options: meta-author-disabled, meta-comments-disabled, meta-tag-disabled

    So go to the page “news” in your WP-backend and modify the options in the “Avia Layout Architect” in the content area of that page-element “Blog Posts”.

    It’s possible that not all of those options are available through that ALB-element … so maybe it is easier to use a whole page as a “blog page” … “Enfold Options > Where do you want to display the Blog”


    Sorry, Where I can find the “Avia Layout Architect”?
    In the Enfold Child Theme Options->Blog meta elements it’s everthing uncheck.

    These the setting for the news page:

    these the setting for the theme Options blog page:


    The Avia Layout Architect is the editor you made the screenshot of. :-)

    — deleted … see ‘Edit’ —


    … see your second screenshot … when you deactivate the options to show those elements … no wonder …. :-))))
    You have to check the elements: Check to display

    something like this:

    Enfold Blog options


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by cg.

    Sorry, but I have been misled because in the first post the date is not displayed.
    At the moment I can view the meta info in all posts, except in the first post.

    do you kniw why?


    Sorry … i can’t see a reason for that.
    Is it a sticky post or is something special with it?


    None of this is simply the first post.
    I changed the first post and entered the second one. also this time does not enter the meta information. it seems that if a post is the first the meta information is not entered, while from the second post onwards the information is entered.



    Sorry for the late reply. It looks like you are using the Layout Builder to create that post, when doing so then everything needs to be added manually to the post using the Layout Builder. That includes the excerpt as well for instance.

    Best regards,


    I would like something like this:
    Where am I wrong? I don’t see the data in the first post of the news page:
    In Theme Options -> Blog Layout the settings are these:
    On the news page the settings are these:
    Thank you.



    Thanks for the update.

    You have to set the Blog Layout settings to the last option (Use the advance layout builder (ALB)….) so that you can use the ALB to create the content of the news or blog page.

    Best regards,


    I have the same problem, no meta options at my blog page.
    and all the boxes are checked



    : The default post meta info will not display automatically when the advance layout builder is active. You have to add the info manually using a text block, or switch to the default editor. Please create a new thread/ticket if you require further assistance. We’ll close this one for now.

    Best regards,

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