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  • #188129

    I have a bunch of questions I’ve been saving up was wondering if you could help me style my main menu this way:
    Mock Up
    I would like to change the color and remove the the tiny arrow from the current and hover links in the main menu and add the description from the wordpress menu manager.

    Can I adjust the thickness of the indicator? I was also wanting to change the title caption title and background colors for the full width easy slider.

    Also, is it possible to put a table in a tab?


    Hey frankster1234!

    Please add following code to Quick CSS in Enfold theme options under Styling tab

    .avia-menu-fx .avia-arrow-wrap .avia-arrow { display: none; } /* removes small arrow */
    .avia-menu-fx { height: 4px; } /* thickness of indicator */
    div .slideshow_caption h2 { color: red; }/* changes caption color in slider */
    .caption_framed .slideshow_caption .avia-caption-title { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); } /* background color, you can adjust it by changinh rgb value

    Please see this topic

    Best regards,


    Fantastic support! Thank you.

    The only thing you didn’t answer is how to get the description below the main menu links in the theme. I’m comfortable editing the php / them files to get it there.

    I was also wondering if I could get the main menu to be the same font as the header font and not the same font as the body text.

    I also had a post in about getting my special heading H3’s to look like this. I looked around and there are not a lot of articles on styling the special header.


    Thanks Again for you help.



    Adding description line and customizing heading as your screenshot is out of the scope of support we can provide. If you really need it, you are going to need to hire a freelance developer ( You can try or )
    Which font family are you using for headings?


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