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  • #1445267

    Hello kriesi support

    I have a major issue with the Enfold Menu. It’s basically broken the navigation of my website.

    To start, I imported the Parallax Demo since it was easier and just started working from that. The menu slides up and down the page (on desktop and mobile) and I loved that function.

    Totay, I accidentally deleted the original menu. I recreated the menu just fine, but it no longer slides up and down the page despite the usage of anchor links such as #top, #services, etc. This has also completely broken the navigation on the mobile page as well and the anchors no longer take me to the desired area.

    Do you happen to know how to fix this and restore it to the parallax demo menu where it slides up and down?


    Hey acelam714,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    It looks like you’re using the absolute URL instead of just the anchor. Please edit the menu items and remove the base or root URL. For example, the following URL:


    .. should be:


    Let us know if this helps.

    Best regards,


    I’m mainly just wondering why it doesn’t work on mobile. Even with the absolute URL, it should work fine still. The anchors work fine on desktop but not mobile (The Contact & Book section). Are you seeing a similar issues as well?

    Thank you


    When I check your site on my Android the Contact & Schedule mobile menu link works for me, it also works on my desktop emulating as a mobile device.

    Best regards,


    I have an iPhone and I kept ending up in the pricing section when I clicked Contact&Schedule. Do you happen to know why this is the cause? It only happens on mobile.

    Thank you


    Odd, I don’t have a iPhone, can you check with a Android device?
    Otherwise I can ask someone on the team to chek with a iPhone, but it may take a few days.
    I wonder if this is a iPhone issue?

    Best regards,


    I checked on multiple iPhones. It’s a strange problem that does not happen at all on the desktop–only for the iphones I’ve tested so far.


    Thanks for the feedback, I have asked the rest of the team to check with an iPhone, but I believe only one member has a iPhone so it may take a little time since we are entering the weekend. Thank you for your patience.

    Best regards,



    Thanks for your patience.

    I checked your website on my iPhone and I can see the issue.

    However, if I change the link from https://yourdomain.com/#contact to #contact, as Ismael suggested, it works as expected.

    Could you please do that and send us admin login credentials if that doesn’t work?



    Thank you all for the suggestion.

    While the suggestion does work, the main reason I can’t do that is because there are other pages on the website. That anchor will only work on the main page. So, if someone is on another page somewhere, the Contact&Schedule section in the header will not work at all.

    I’m just surprised that this is such a unique problem. It’s perfectly fine on Android devices that I’ve tested. It’s only a problem on mobile and specifically for Iphones.



    You can create another menu with full links and display that menu on the other pages. You can find the plugin and custom code snippet solutions to this at https://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/menu/#different-menu-for-different-pages.

    If that doesn’t work, please try deactivating all active plugins. If the issue persists with all plugins deactivated, please send us admin login credentials so we can investigate the issue.



    The double menu strategy works quite well. I can have anchor links on the main page now. However, the issue does persist though, so I will continue investigating that.

    I do have another question concerning the menu though. On the Desktop, while hovering over the “Services” section, the submenus opens up quite cleanly and elegantly (one column). However, once I go to any internal page (Photography for example), highlighting the Services section again now displays a rather large and inelegant submenu. Is there a way to fix this? It’s only a problem if you’re in one of the internal pages on Desktop (Photo, Video, Aerial, Floor Plan).

    Is there a way to make the internal mega menu at least consistent with the home page’s elegant presentation? If possible, an arrow for a dropdown submenu would be great as well.

    Thank you



    Thank you for the inquiry.

    However, once I go to any internal page (Photography for example), highlighting the Services section again now displays a rather large and inelegant submenu.

    Did you create a different menu for the inner pages? Please check the Services menu item in the Appearance > Menus panel, and make sure that mega menu is not enabled.

    Best regards,


    Ah, thank you. Unchecking the mega menu box solved that problem. I still can’t figure out the weird mobile iPhone issue though. I’ve included some login information (Editor status) in order for you to investigate further.


    Thank you for the login, but unfortunately it doesn’t seem to work, please check.
    When I check with Safari on a Mac in Responsive Design Mode to emulate a iPhone your menu items seem to work correctly, on the home page and on other pages linking back to the home page, the same as on Android.
    I imagine this is because you are now using two menus as Yigit suggested and you are using just the anchor link ID like “#contact”, as Ismael suggested on one of your menus.
    Try clearing your iPhone cache and also clear the history to fully purge the cache, following these steps for Safari and note Step 4 where you will Clear the History.
    If you still have this issue please update the site login and I will ask the rest of the team to check with an iPhone, assuming that this is only an issue with the actual iPhone device.

    Best regards,


    I’ve tested it on multiple iPhones and they all show the same result. It’s not a problem that shows up on the desktop or any desktop emulation. I still do not know why.

    I will provide new login information. I tested it and it works fine. Please let me know if that works for you. Thank you.


    Thanks for the login, but it is not admin so we can’t see any of the theme settings, please update to admin.
    I have asked Yigit to check again, Thank you for your patience.

    Best regards,


    Ok. I changed it to Admin. Please let me know if that works.

    Thank you


    Thank you, the login is now admin, I have asked Yigit to check again with a real device, since I can’t reproduce with with Safari on a Mac in Responsive Design Mode to emulate a iPhone. Thank you for your patience.

    Best regards,

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