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  • #1299124

    Dear support team,

    for the burger menu (visible on tablet and mobile phone) I have created a separate menu called “Menu Mobile” for the following page Unfortunately, there is no longer a menu visible on the mobile or tablet, but only a white area.
    Unfortunately for me it is completely harmless and I ask for help. I would like the menu to be displayed in black. I have already inserted the following code in the CSS: # av-burger-menu-ul .avia-menu-text {
    color: # 000000 important;

    What can I do so that the menu is displayed on the mobile?

    Thank you for your editing and best regards Diana


    Hi Diana,

    Sorry for the problem. Could you try updating the theme to the latest version (4.8.2) to see if that helps please?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard

    I updated the theme to the new version. The burger menu is now displayed on the mobile phone again. Very good.

    However, I still have the problem that the burger menu is displayed in red, even though I was at
    Enfold> Main Menu> Burger / Mobile Menu styling> Menu Icon Color specified the color black. How can I display the navigation in the burger menu in black?
    And even in the CSS I have the additional code:
    / * Burger Menu Navigation * /
    # av-burger-menu-ul .avia-menu-text {
    color: # 000000 important;

    Can you help me here?
    Greetings, Diana



    Thank you for the inquiry.

    The mobile menu items and the menu icon are red because of this css code.

    .html_av-overlay-side #top #wrap_all .av-burger-overlay-scroll #av-burger-menu-ul a {
        color: #fc2306;
    .html_av-overlay-side-classic #top .av-burger-overlay li li .avia-bullet, .html_av-overlay-side.av-burger-overlay-active #top .av-hamburger-inner, .html_av-overlay-side.av-burger-overlay-active #top .av-hamburger-inner::before, .html_av-overlay-side.av-burger-overlay-active #top .av-hamburger-inner::after {
        background-color: #fc2306;

    You have to remove the css code or override it in the Quick CSS field.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    thank you. This script works wonderfully. Very nice.

    There is still a problem with the display of the burger menu on the mobile phone or tablet:
    On the HOME page ( the burger menu icon is in the picture and not above in the white bar (see Screenhsot mobile phone: jpg). How can I achieve this: that the icon is in the top right next to the logo in the white area and not directly in the picture? Could you please help me out here? Thank you and best regards



    Hi Diana,

    Please try the following CSS as well:

    .av-burger-menu-main a {
      padding-top: 0 !important;

    Best regards,


    Hello Rikard,

    I’ve added the specified script in the CSS. Unfortunately, it hasn’t changed, the burger icon is still in the picture. (Even after clearing the cache)
    Could you please give me further assistance?

    Thank you and best regards, Diana



    You have CSS in Quick CSS which is overriding the code I gave you, I add this instead:

    .av-burger-menu-main a {
      margin-top: -50px !important;

    It’s applying to your site now.

    Best regards,


    Dear Rikard,

    MANY THANKS. The script works perfectly.

    Kind regards, Diana Steib



    Great, I’m glad that we could help. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.

    Best regards,

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