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  • #1443452

    I associated a specific menu for the mobile phone but now from the mobile phone I no longer see the menu items loading

    Some images:


    Hey wordpress60,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    We noticed that the site contains an older version (4.7.4) of the theme, which is likely why the mobile menu is not displaying as expected. Please create a clone of the site, update the theme to version 5.7.1, and fix the errors before transferring it to the live site. You may need to update the theme manually via S/FTP. Please check the link below:


    Best regards,


    No absolutely, I can’t update it right now, I have to solve the problem as soon as possible.

    It is not normal for these problems to exist.

    You have to solve it. I paid for the license to get assistance.

    • This reply was modified 2 weeks, 3 days ago by wordpress60.


    That is why we are asking you to update the theme. If the updates are not coming throug via the theme backend, then please try using this plugin instead:

    Best regards,

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