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  • #840803


    for the site I would like to place the menubar below the header (header will have new dimensions in future apps. 2000×1200. The menu bar should be visible at the bottom if screen is smaller than height of 1200. If scrolled down the menu bar should move up and stay on top (parallax effect).
    What do I have to do for this?


    Hey kanzlei_werner,

    Could you post screenshots highlighting your intentions please?

    Best regards,



    here you are:

    1) Actual site

    2) future

    3) WordPress basic theme -> possible with enfold?


    Try using the full width sub menu element below your slider or image, then choose your menu and hide your top menu with code like this:

    .container_wrap_logo {display:none !important; }

    Best regards,


    Hello Mike,

    is there a chance to have this only for the home page and not for the complete website? any chance to close the white gap which I have now?


    Looks like that white space is mostly created by the red hr bar, in your custom css you have this:

    .hr{margin: 15px 0px !important;}

    try removing the 15 so it only has the 0px.
    You will still have a 12.75px top margin from the paragraph below, to remove that you will have to add a custom class, otherwise all paragraphs will be effected.
    The code to hide your top menu can be set to only your homepage by adding the page-id to it like this:

    .page-id-11 .container_wrap_logo {display:none !important; }

    Best regards,

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