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  • #221197

    I would like to set up a Header with bottom nav with my logo and the menu centered – is there css to do this?

    Also, what is the css to change the font size of the menu for this style of header?




    Hey deyowulf!

    1) Insert this code into the quick css field

    .bottom_nav_header.social_header .main_menu, .bottom_nav_header.social_header .main_menu {
    width: auto;
    float: none;
    margin: auto;
    text-align: center;
    .bottom_nav_header.social_header .main_menu>div, .bottom_nav_header.social_header .main_menu ul:first-child {
    text-align: center;
    margin: auto;
    .bottom_nav_header.social_header .main_menu ul:first-child {
    max-width: 650px;

    and instead of 650px insert the width of your menu.

    2) This code

    .bottom_nav_header.social_header .main_menu ul:first-child>li a {
    font-size: 12px;

    will help you to change the font size.



    Hi Peter,

    None of these codes seemed to work.

    Also, now when I try to change the border color of my header it doesn’t change.


    Never mind, the code works for the menu. However, the Logo still stays on the left side – how do I center the logo? Also, how do I make the height of the header taller so I can use a larger logo?





    Please add following code to Quick CSS as well

    div .logo {
    left: 40%; }

    You may need to adjust the value to center it perfectly



    Thanks Yigit

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