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  • #524300

    Hi Guys!

    I have Enfold installed on site with Memberpress. I have a small issue with the login page format. I contacted Memberpress support and they suggested I ask you for help.

    Actually there is no problem at all until I use color section on a page. Let me explain…

    When I protect content on a page, Memberpress shows the login form. This adopts the style of the page nicely and shows the login form styled to match Enfold. (See link 1 in private section below).

    As soon as I add a color section layout element to the page, this somehow breaks the nice formatting of the login prompt – it now looks ugly (See link 2 in private section below). The color section doesn’t even have any other elements inside. Also, even when I delete the color section layout element, the login prompt formatting does not look nice again – I have to delete the page and create a new one to get the nice formatting to show.

    I realise there is some crossover here with the Memberpress and Enfold support. I hope you can help as it is only a problem when I use color section (but I know maybe there is an incompatibility with Memberpess too).

    Thank you!



    Sorry for the late reply! Do you mind creating a temporary admin login and posting it here privately so we can look into it?

    Best regards,


    Yigit, was there a fix to this? I’m having the same issue.



    Please try adding following code to functions.php file in Appearance > Editor

    function av_memberpress_wrap(){
    jQuery('div.mp_wrapper').wrap('<div class="container content main_color"></div>');
    add_action('wp_footer', 'av_memberpress_wrap');



    Hi bkheld, Yigit,

    I never did resolve this problem, although I remember discovering that other advanced editor elements on a protected page also ‘broke’ the formatting of the Memberpress login prompt.

    I notice that the default login page (i.e. retains its nice formatting – it’s just the protected pages that require login where the formatting gets ‘broken’.

    bkheld, did you try the code Yigit provided above – did it solve the issue? I am unable to do too much testing on my live production site. I would appreciate it if you can let me know.




    As i tested on the browser, code should fix the layout issue. Let’s wait to hear from @bkheld :)

    Best regards,


    Hi @yigit

    I tried the functions code you suggested and it looks much better, thank you!

    There are a couple of small corrections desired, as you will see from the links I have put in the private content block below.

    [Link 1] shows correct formatting from the default /login page.
    [Link 2] shows formatting of login form after trying to access restricted Memberpress content containing an Enfold color section (after your functions.php code fix is applied).

    Desired correction #1: In [Link 2], is there a way with CSS to keep the left margin of the login form left so it aligns with the top logo as in [Link 1]? It is in the same alignment with a small screen width, but as the screen width increases it does not maintain the alignment.

    Desired correction #2: In [Link 2], how to color the white space to the left of the login form the same as the login form background? I tried fixing this myself using Chrome inspect element. I can see the white space to the left is the border of “div.container.content.main_color”, and the background color I want it to have is the same as “div.mp_wrapper” but I don’t have the skills yet to put this into CSS :)

    Many thanks again, I really appreciate your help with this! I’m sure it will also be useful for others using Memberpress with Enfold. May I pass your fix on to the Memberpress team also so they are aware?



    Please post us your login credentials (in the “private data” field), so we can take a look at your backend.

    Login credentials include:

    • The URL to the login screen.
    • A valid username (with full administration capabilities).
    • As well as a password for that username.
    • permission to deactivate plugins if necessary.

    Best regards,

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