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  • #578465

    Hi guys,

    I am trying to add small jpeg image to a mega menu in the enfold theme.

    I have imported the default demo theme as a starting point and have understood the megamenu structure as well as watched the youtube videos you guys point others to when asking similar questions. I understand the building structure of the menu, columns etc and as far as I am aware I am doing everything right but the images simply do not appear. Everything else in the mega menu seems to work in terms of rows, columns layout etc. I have posted my test URL for you to look at. As it currently stands I was expecting to see the image under the first column in the packaging drop down of the main menu. If you have any ideas why the image simply is not visible please advise ;) cheers.

    FYI I have the use description as text block ticked and have the following code in it for the page in question:

    and when typing this url into the address-bar of the browser it appears


    sorry missed the last line of my post. The code in the description box of the page in the megamenu I am trying to get the image displaying on is:


    Hi Guys,

    anyone able to feedback on this. Still trying to resolve it but going in circles and beginning to think maybe megamenu images are broken in WP 4.4.2 as every time I add a img scr html code the menu item dissapears?!



    It seems like you figured it out already? :)
    I attached a screenshot in private content field. Links are broken for those images that are not showing up. Please make sure their links are correct if they are, please try re-uploading them

    Best regards,


    Hi Nat!

    Can you please post a screenshot and show the changes you would like to make so we can provide you more accurate solution? :)




    I am having the same problem with images no longer appearing in a column in a Mega Menu. I also understand your Mega Menus and I’ve used them many times, so I feel that maybe a recent update has caused issues?

    Here is a site that I created with Enfold, where I accomplished exactly what I’m trying to accomplish on a new site, but cant. See Mega Menus under s: “Charters” and “About”. Here is the site: https://takemetheresailing.com/. This site has Enfold Version

    So now my new site, where I wish to accomplish the same thing, and I have done the same thing, but an image will not appear in a Mega Menu unless you place a sub-menu item under it. https://3f6c0ed8c6.nxcli.net/ This site has a newer version of Enfold, Version 4.8.9. Interestingly, on this site, if I place a menu item under the Image Column, the image will appear, but with nothing under it (which is what I want and what I did on the other site), it will not appear.

    On this new site (coming soon page up, placed login credentials below), the Mega Menu is under About; the first column is empty (I have an image there); only the second column appears.

    Thank you for your help.


    Thank you for the link to your two sites, but compareing the mega menu item “About” of the takemetheresailing.com site and “About” of the 3f6c0ed8c6.nxcli.net site shows that they both have the same structure, the mega menu item has two columns, note in the screenshot avia_mega_menu_columns_first & avia_mega_menu_columns_last
    so to show an image and links next to it you need to use two columns:
    which you have done correctly in the backend
    on the takemetheresailing.com site you also have the links as a submenu under the “Just say “Take Me There”!” menu item:
    So I don’t see a difference between the two sites.

    Now to test whether an image column will show an image I temporarily created a mega menu item with only one column, which was an image column and it also worked correctly:
    but I don’t believe this is what to want to do anyways because you already said that you want the same mega menu and columns as the takemetheresailing.com site
    which you currently do.
    Please note that this thread was from 2016 and since this is not your thread you will not see anything we write in the Private Content area, in the future it would be better to open your own thread, thank you for your understanding.

    Best regards,

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