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  • #510386


    I tried to find solution by my self but I couldn’t.

    I installed Polylang and Duplicate post. I cloned all of my pages and translated them. Everything is fine except full screen slider on homepage and masonry image gallery – non of those are showing on second language (English) pages. Since those pages are clones of first language pages (German) they are same as originals, and contain same elements.

    Tried to replace images in slider and gallery, but when I try to choose image from slider/ gallery settings, it say that there are no items in my media gallery (even though the images are there).

    I update (before installing plugins) theme, and also tried to disable all plugins that were active without success.

    In addition here are links to English pages. You can switch to German to see how should they look like.


    Ok, I solved this. Apparently Polylang option: Activate languages and translations for media should be deactivated. Now it works fine.



    Glad to know you got things sorted on your end :)

    Please let us know if you ever need any help in the future.

    Best regards,

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