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  • #1397833

    When using the Imagify plugin with Enfold, the list view of the media library breaks. I’ve also reported this to Imagify, but switching to a different theme fixes the issue, so it does seem to be a conflict with Enfold. The issue occurs even if Imagify is the only active plugin, so there’s not another plugin interfering to cause this. I’ve tested with Enfold 5.2.1 and Enfold 5.4, using Imagify 2.1.1, and the issue occurs with both versions of Enfold.

    Imagify adds a column to the wp-admin media library list view for its “Optimize” button. Using the list view appears to be required in order to use Imagify to manually optimize images.

    It’s supposed to look like this (this is when the Twenty Twenty-Three theme is active):
    Media list view with Imagify

    When Enfold is active, it looks like this:
    Media list view issue with Enfold and Imagify


    Hey PCLSIT,

    I tried to reproduce the issue on my local installation but it looked fine on my end. That might be because I didn’t setup an account.

    Please create temporary admin logins and post them here privately so we can look into it.

    Best regards,


    Site and credentials in private comment! This is a lower environment, not production. We’re using a child theme, but I switched it to the base Enfold theme for you (the issue occurs either way). So if the front end looks broken, that’s probably why. Shouldn’t affect the back end where this issue is, though!

    Thank you so much for your help!



    I cannot reproduce the issue. I attached a screenshot in private content field.

    Do we need to take certain steps to reproduce the issue? If so, please let us know.

    Best regards,


    It must only be an issue at smaller screen widths. When I use Chrome DevTools to emulate a screen width of 2650px, it looks fine. Once you get down to about 1600 it starts getting awkward, around 1400 I’d say it starts getting hard to use. Between about 1300 and 1151 is the worst, which is the range that my laptop screen is in. At 1150 it hits a breakpoint that puts it back into awkward but usable territory.



    That is because Enfold adds the “ID”, ” File Size” and “Dimension w * h in px” columns in media library.

    Please add the following code to bottom of functions.php file of your child theme to remove them

    remove_filter( 'manage_media_columns', array( 'avia_media_gallery', 'add_columns' ), 10, 1 );

    Best regards,

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