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  • #519648


    Is there a quick way to prevent pictures in galeries and mansonry galeries to have a height bigger than the screen ?
    Something like this maybe ? img{height:100%; width:auto;}

    Thanks !


    Prophoto did a trick for this problem, but i don’t find how to do it with enfold. The 2nd options looks good to me, same height as width.

    That’s what they do, with three options :

    To auto-constrain all post images to a certain height, you have the following options:

    no height constraint – Under this scenario, your image will not receive any height constraint.

    same as content width – In this case, your images will be constrained in height to the same px value as the content width of the site.

    custom height – With this option, you can set the maximum height that you want your images to be displayed at. All images will be downsized according to this constraint, maintaining their original aspect ratio.

    Can you find how to do the option 2 ?
    Thanks !



    Can you post the link to your install please?




    An example can be seen on this page :
    The second picture of the gallery is too big !




    Try this in the Quick CSS field:

    #top #wrap_all .avia-gallery-1 .avia-gallery-thumb a:nth-child(n+2) {
        max-width: 50%;
        float: left;

    It will set the width of the gallery items to 50% except for the first item.

    Best regards,


    Thanks for your answer, but I think I was not clear :

    I would like, in galleries, portrait pictures (vertical) to be scaled down to 50% while the landscape pictures (horizontal) remains the same.

    Can you do that withh quick CSS ?

    Thank you !



    Please add following code to Quick CSS

    .avia-gallery img[height="1600"] {
        max-width: 50%;

    Best regards,

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