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  • #1299035


    I have two massonry galleries, the first one (Displayed photos) placed in color selection, which is working without any complications. The bottom one (Photoreport) is not loading in most of the cases, the only case is probably when I force ctrl+F5. I tried 3 computers with the same result (also checked it in Firefox, Chrome and Edge). I tried to put it into color selection and single full width column (no difference). I set the bottom massonry (containing 16 images, perfect grid, pagination set to all) to display 4 columns on PC, but when I noticed that it is not working I also tried automatic without any change. At the moment it is placed in color selection (“No minimum height, use content…”).

    I must be overlooking something but I can’t figure out what it is…

    Version: 4.8.1.

    Best regards,

    Vojtech Tomes


    Hey Vojtech,

    I checked in Chrome, Opera and Firefox, but I can’t reproduce the problem on my end. The images loads a bit slow sometimes, but they eventually show up every time. Do you have a sure way of reproducing the results you are seeing on your end?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    I have recorded how it looks like at my end. I also asked several friends again to check the link and it is not loading anywhere.

    Recording: 1920×1080 on 27″, Firefox 88.0.1 (64)

    I also attached a screenshot of the pictures, which are not loading.

    Best regards,


    Hi Vojtech,

    Thanks for that. I see basically the same thing as on your end, but it actually loads after a few seconds on my end. It looks like you have selected for the element to animate in the element options? If so, then please try turning that off, to see if that makes any difference. Also try to optimise your images as much as possible, as it seems like the delay on my end is due to the images being a bit heavy.

    If you need further help, then please post admin WordPress login details in private, so that we can have a closer look at your site.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    you are right, the element is set to animate. I should have mentioned that I already tried to turn it off but the result is the same. It is true that images are a little heavy (1 – 2 Mb each) but it also counts for the upper masonry where everything is smooth (there are even more images).

    You can find my login as private content. The culprit is among posts, very bottom (Animefest 2017).

    Best regards,



    Thanks for the update. I tried deactivating the animations, but I get the same results on unfortunately. It doesn’t load until the section is scrolled past, which is a bit strange.

    Could you try updating the theme to the latest version (4.8.2) to see if that helps please? If not, then I’ll ask the rest of the team to have a look as well, since I can’t see what is going wrong unfortunately.

    Best regards,



    Indeed, I also find it strange. Just one question before the update. I am running the website on HTTP but I intend to move it ASAP to HTTPS. I have already generated the ENVATO token but haven’t managed to switch to HTTPS yet. If I register it now will moving to HTTPS later affect registration in any way?

    Best regards,


    I just updated the theme to (4.8.2.). Unfortunately, nothing has changed.
    Best regards,


    Thank you for the feedback and your patience, in your theme options I disabled the lazy loading and this seems to have solved the delay of the last masonry element:
    Please clear your browser cache and check.

    Best regards,



    I do not remember switching lazy loading on. I leave it always default which is disabled. Anyway, I cleared the browser cache but nothing has changed the last masonry element is still not loading. Checked several times on two different devices.

    I tried a different thing though when masonry is loading properly. I do not see any reasonable connection but when you take the very first color selection (with the bluish photo) and place it under the last masonry, things go smooth then. There must be some kind of collision there. Could you check that, please?

    Best regards,



    This is probably an issue with the waypoints script, which activates the masonry animation when the element is in view. It fails to load the second masonry element immediately even when it is already in view because the first masonry element has not finished loading or the document height is not yet determined.

    We could disable the animation with css to make the masonry items immediately visible.

    #top .av-masonry-image-container, #top .av-inner-masonry-content, .av-masonry-pagination {
        -webkit-transition: none;
        transition: none;
    #top .av-masonry-entry {
        opacity: 1;
        visibility: visible;

    Best regards,



    the CSS is not optimal for me because there are plenty of masonry galleries on the website (mainly in photographer’s profiles) which would be affected. I solved it by using a horizontal gallery, which works just fine. Anyway, is there any chance that “the waypoint script issue” is going to be solved in the future or should I expect it to be an ongoing problem?

    Best regards,



    Dear support,

    i entered the very same problem on a page with just one masonry gallery.
    I can commit that:

    • I use the most current ENFOLD version
    • Turning of “animation” in the gallery element does not help
    • Turning of lazy loading does not help
    • Turning off both does not help
    • Adjusting header size (have a higher heading) in ENFOLD-settings didn’t change anything

    Can you please investigate here and mention here in this thread when fixed?
    Thank you, Thomas



    This issue usually happens when the masonry element or any element with animation that depends on the waypoint script is inserted at the very bottom of the page. Temporary workaround is to insert another element below the very last element in the page to make sure that there are enough scrollable room for waypoint. Another is to adjust waypoint’s offset parameter.

    In the enfold\js\shortcodes.js, look for this function.

    	function activate_waypoints(container)
    		//activates simple css animations of the content once the user scrolls to an elements
    			if(typeof container == 'undefined'){ container = 'body';};
    			$('.avia_animate_when_visible', container).avia_waypoints();
    			$('.avia_animate_when_almost_visible', container).avia_waypoints({ offset: '80%'});
    			if(container == 'body') container = '.avia_desktop body';
    			$('.av-animated-generic', container).avia_waypoints({ offset: '95%'});

    Decrease the offset value to 30% or lower to trigger the animation earlier or once the element is positioned
    about 30% from the top of the viewport. Please toggle or temporarily disable the Enfold > Performance > File Compression settings after adjusting the parameter.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,
    thank u for the quick reply.
    I’am using a child theme, so will my adjustments survive the next update?
    best regards Andreas


    oops, yigit wrote it in the email, just haven’t seen it – till now ;-P


    Hey Andreas,

    If you follow the instructions here, modifications will not be overwritten during updates :)


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