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  • #1394338


    My website running with ENFOLD needs a Webspace with about 23 GB, although the WordPress Site shows only 400 MB.
    Now I found out, that there is a folder called «Dynamic Avia» with more than 90’000 files in it and 23 GB of Webspace!
    All JS and CSS files.

    What are these files for exactly? And can I delete them, or are they needed for running the website? Is there a function in ENFOLD options to delete all these files. Or do you know a «File Cleaner» plugin for ENFOLD theme files? Opening the folder with the 90’000 files per FTP is not working (too many files, timeout breakdown)

    Thank you


    Hey Steve,

    Did you try to check the options to delete old CSS and JS files under Enfold->Performance? If you should need further help, then please post admin WordPress login details in private.

    Best regards,



    Please refer to this post: :)

    Best regards,


    So I disabled «CSS / JS file merging» and set Unique timestamp of merged files and WP objects to «Fix WP bug, disable unique timestamps».
    Or do I need the «Disable adding unique timestamp only»? Which one works better?

    Activated «Delete old CSS and JS files» which was deactivated before. The 90’000 files are still in folder «Dynamic Avia».
    Do I need to clear those manually using FTP or do I need to wait a Server refresh? What happends, when I delete these files per FTP manually?

    Thank you


    Hi Steve,

    I don’t see much point in having the time stamps myself, but I guess it could be useful to some users. It’s up to you what you want to chose really.

    If the files are not deleted automatically, then you can delete them manually. Just remember to toggle something in the theme options afterwards and save, so that the theme files will be generated again.

    Best regards,


    After setting Performance as you said, all 90’000 files gone after Server Cache Cleaning (all 24 hours or so) Only have 6 files now in folder /dynamic_avia and the
    Webspace shrinked from 24 GB to 697 MB. Going to reactivate CSS/JS Compression now in «Performance», but without timestamp.
    That will work for me, thank you.



    Great, I’m glad to hear that the files are gone now. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic, or if we can close it.

    Best regards,

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