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  • #1325579

    Hi All,

    I’m trying to achieve something like the screenshot here for a client.

    Text columns starting at different heights

    As you can see, the text blocks are arranged in two columns over two rows, but the blocks don’t line up vertically: the second row of text blocks starts a set number of pixels down from the the first row, and the height of the blocks are determined by the length of the content in them.

    So it looks like the layout you can get using the Masonry elements, but with text blocks instead of blog or gallery content.

    Preferably, Id like it if the blocks aligned along the bottom also, so that the 4 blocks fit evenly into the space, as pictured – I imagine this would mean the height would have to be adjustable somehow, so one column gets slightly taller to fill any gap, if that makes sense?

    If I simply have two rows of two columns, the second row lines up with itself, but leaves a gap above the second column, and I can’t add a negative top margin to the second column because the margins apply to the whole row.

    The closest I can get is using the Grid Rows elements, which gets me closer, but is full width (not the width of the container) and I cant see how I’d get the height of the columns to adjust so they all ended on the same line.

    So what’s the best way to achieve this?

    Can I just say also, that I’m really impressed with the Enfold support – there’s nearly always someone who can work out a solution!

    Thanks for your time.


    Hey Thedogscreative,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    The closest I can get is using the Grid Rows elements, which gets me closer, but is full width (not the width of the container)

    You can actually adjust the width of the grid row element and align it to the center with css.

    #av-layout-grid-1 {
        max-width: 1030px;
        margin: 0 auto;

    If you need a more specific css selector, you have to apply a unique ID or class name to the grid row element. Look for the Custom ID or class name field in the element’s Advanced > Developer Settings section.


    Best regards,


    Ah nice, thanks. And then just adjust max-width to the width of the site.

    What about the other thing I’m trying to achieve: having both columns be the same height?




    Thanks for the update. Could you post a link to where we can see the elements in question please?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,
    Currently I only have the design in an XD file, I haven’t started building it yet. (I tested a few things on an unpublished page on our site). So the only thing I really have to show you is the image above ^^



    Thanks for the update. We would need to inspect the actual elements in order to give you accurate CSS. Could you let us know when you have something to show us please?

    Best regards,


    Yes, no worries. It’ll be a week or two, but I’ll let you know. Thanks.



    No problem, just post here when you have something to show us.

    Best regards,



    I managed to create this using CSS on 1/2 columns. The design changed slightly, but the issue was the same. I’ve attach a screenshot for you to see.

    columns of different heights aligned in a grid

    I put the 3 rows into 3 colour sections, (the top one with an image background) then I added a custom class to each column in each colour section (so each of the 4 tiles you see in the screenshot has it’s own class), gave them all fixed heights in px according to the gap they needed to fit in, gave them all ‘position:fixed;’ then altered the top or bottom margins to negative values to move the columns up and down into place.

    Like so:

    /* tile position top*/
    .tileposition {
        height: 450px;
        bottom: -200px !important;
    /* tile position middle*/
    .tilepositionmiddle {
        height: 450px;
    /* tile position last tile*/
    .tilepositionlast {
        height: 450px;
        top: -675px !important;
    /* tile position with form in*/
    .tilepositionform {
        height: 950px;

    To get the gap right between the top colour section and the tiles underneath there’s a whitespace divider, which made the button in the top tile inaccessible, as the divider sat over the tile with the button in. So I added this to the top colour section to bring it to the front:

    .bringtofront {
        position: relative;
        z-index: 10000 !important;

    And that got me the look I was after. I thought I’d share the CSS I used in case someone else needs to do something similar. However, if there’s a more elegant/easier way of doing this do let me know. Otherwise I think we can close this thread.




    Thank you for the update.

    Glad to know that you managed to find a working solution. Appreciate you for sharing it. You may need to adjust the height of the columns on smaller screens or on different devices using css media queries to make sure that they respond or resize correctly. Other than that, the layout looks good.

    Best regards,


    I swapped out the whole layout on mobile, it was the easiest thing to do.

    I’m happy for this thread to be closed if you are. Thanks for you help.



    Great, I’m glad that you managed to solve your problems, and thanks for the update. I’ll go ahead and close this thread for now then, please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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