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  • #269497

    my masonry portfolio page is not loading more than 7 entries.
    I set the number of entries to “all”, but they won’t show up.
    If set to less than 7 entries the “Mehr Laden” Button appears, but after click only 7 entries will come up again.

    Please help with some advice.
    I will post the login as private mail…


    This reply has been marked as private.

    Some portfolio entries were set to “Draft” because of unknown reasons…
    Now they are set to published and show up.



    Glad you figured it out. In case you have any questions, please take some time to review all of the resources in the Theme Documentation as a lot of basic stuff like theme installation, css snippets etc are already available in there with better explanation and awesomeness. Watch some of our Video Tutorials to learn more about the different aspect of the theme. You can also search the forums for queries that has been answered before that might be related to your problem.

    If you find that you still have questions after taking the time on our documentations, don’t hesitate to let us know and we will be happy to assist you. If you have any requests or you feel like giving us a warm hug? You can definitely post it on our Feature Requests page. :)


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