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  • #1434418

    Hi Support,
    I have a few masonry elements on different pages with different categories selected. e.g. Page 1 displays a Masonry with Category A and Page 2 displays Masonry with Category B for example, however the next and previous buttons cycle through all post categories on either page. Is it possible with next/previous to only cycle through the selected category or categories in each Masonry?

    thx in advance and look forward to your reply.


    Hey Dave,
    Thank you for your patience, when you say the next and previous buttons cycle through all post categories do you mean the pagination of the masonry element of the post next and previous buttons on the side of the page?
    the masonry element doesn’t control the post next and previous buttons, these are not limited to a specific category they cycle through all posts.

    Best regards,


    HI Mike,
    Thanks for your reply, Yes I am referring to post next and previous buttons on the side of the page. I was hoping there maybe a function that can allow the next and previous buttons to only cycle through the specified category/categories. As I have two different categories displaying on different pages that aren’t related and I don’t want the user being on one page using next or previous to then it display a post from the other category from the other page.
    I guess if this isn’t possible I would have to hide the side buttons?

    Again Thanks for your support.


    To hide the side post navigation try this CSS in your Enfold Theme Options ▸ General Styling ▸ Quick CSS field:

    #top .avia-post-nav  {
    	display: none;

    aAfter applying the css, please clear your browser cache and check.

    Best regards,

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