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  • #515620


    I found a strange behavior about the masonry & magazine shortcades.
    If there is no breakpoint, but some tags in our pages, both the masonry blog & magazine shorcodes will show the whole post contents.

    So I traced the shortcodes and found that function avia_backend_truncate() is the cause of the problem.
    This function didn’t treat the situation if there is no breakpoint and exists some tags

    I’ve these codes in functions.php of my enfold-child

    // modify masonry excerpt length
    add_filter( 'avf_masonry_excerpt_length', 'avf_masonry_excerpt_length_mod');
    function avf_masonry_excerpt_length_mod() {
    	$excerpt = 30;
    	return $excerpt;
    // modify magazine excerpt length
    add_filter( 'avf_magazine_excerpt_length', 'avf_magazine_excerpt_length_mod');
    function avf_magazine_excerpt_length_mod() {
    	$excerpt = 40;
    	return $excerpt;
    // modify magazine delimiter <!--magazine-->
    add_filter( 'avf_magazine_excerpt_delimiter', 'avf_magazine_excerpt_delimiter_mod');
    function avf_magazine_excerpt_delimiter_mod() {
    	$break = "<!--magazine-->";
    	return $break;
    // modify masonry delimiter <!--masonry-->
    add_filter( 'avf_masonry_excerpt_delimiter', 'avf_masonry_excerpt_delimiter_mod');
    function avf_masonry_excerpt_delimiter_mod() {
    	$break = "<!--masonry-->";
    	return $break;
    // excerpt truncate function modified for Chinese
    function avia_backend_truncate($string, $limit, $break=".", $pad="...", $stripClean = false, $excludetags = '<strong><em><span>', $safe_truncate = false)
    	if(strlen($string) <= $limit) return $string;
    	// if exists $breakpoint
    	if(false !== ($breakpoint = strpos($string, $break)))
    		if($breakpoint < strlen($string) - 1)
                        	$string = substr($string, 0, $breakpoint) . $pad;
    	// if no $breakpoint
                    $string = wp_trim_words($string, $limit) ;
    	// strip unwanted HTML tags
    		$string = strip_shortcodes(strip_tags($string, $excludetags));
    	return $string;

    I moved the [//strip unwanted HTML tags] part to the last, because it will strip the breakpoint like <!–magazine–>, <!–masonry–> and <!–more–>.
    And I use wp_trim_words() function to avoid some problems in Chinese words.

    There is a post about the wordpress excerpt problem for Chinese,


    Hey faithbackpacker!

    Thank you for using Enfold and the included fix. What do you mean by “breakpoints”? Or try to add the summary in the Excerpt box.



    Hi Ismael,

    If there is no mistake, I think “breakpoint” is the delimiter of excerpt.

    Normal excerpt delimiter is
    But it’s too long for magazine and masonry, so I use
    <!--magazine--> & <!--masonry-->

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