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  • #550397


    I just noticed something weird : the “load more’ button does not work for a masonry of translated portfolio elements.
    I have tested a few things, and here are the elements I can give you :
    – the problem is on wordpress 4.3.1 and 4.4
    – Enfold is at the latest version (3.4.6)
    WPML and sub-components are up to date also
    – The “load more” feature works great for the base language of the site (French)
    – But for English, it doesn’t load anything.

    I have tried, out of curiosity, to extend the number of portfolio items that the masonry shows, and it does show the right items – so it “knows” that there are more portfolio items, and know how to find them.
    Furthermore, I tried to use the pagination option instead of “Load more”, and the result was that page N was the same as page 1, again as if it couldn’t find the following elements.

    Thanks in advance for your help, but I confess this one has gotten me stumped…


    On my side, I just updated to WordPress 4.4 and the pagination option on the Gallery Masonry keep loading the photos of the first page whatever the page you choose.



    can you please disable all the plugins you are using and let us know if it works properly, after?




    I have disabled all the plugins – except WPML – and the problem is still there. I could deactivate WPML, but that would be a bit counterproductive, since the problem occurs on translated pages and not anywhere else…



    login you have provided here does not work for me. Can you check please and let us know when you are ready?

    Best regards,



    That’s weird… Here, I’ll generate a new password. But pay attention to one thing : the website is in a subfolder on the server…
    The website is a temp copy of the real one, so you can mess around it as much as you like !

    Thanks in advance !



    I could not reproduce the issue on my own installation. I checked your blog page again (s. private content) and it’s working for me fine now. Clear browser cache and hard refresh a few times. Can you confirm if it’s working for you or not please?

    Best regards,



    Thanks for looking. I did take a look after cleaning my cache, with Firefox, Chrome and Safari, and for me, the ‘load more’ button is still not working… The problem appears on the blog page (see link in private section).

    Best regards,




    Are we allowed to deactivate all your plugins for testing purposes?

    Kriesi will release a fix for pagination issue tomorrow, so hopefully your issue gets resolved with it too!

    Best regards,


    Yep !

    As I said before, this a copy of the actual website, so feel free to try anything you can think of. Let’s hope that the next update will resolve it…

    Best regards,




    alright. Let us know if the update helps you or not.



    Hi Andy,

    Sadly, the update didn’t help. The problem is still here…

    Furthermore, I realized (on another website) that the update, which was supposed to solve the blog pagination problems, did not work for woocommerce products. I did the update on a local copy of it, and on the home page, I use a product grid with the pagination option. When I try to go to the second page (or third, etc) of the product grid, it shows the content of the first page again – like it did for blog pages.

    It seems the 4.4 update messed some things up…

    Could you take a look at these to issues ? For the ‘load more’ problem, it might be a prob with WPML ; for the woocommerce product grid, it seems to stem from the 4.4 update. Maybe you need to do the same adjustements you did for the blog pages…

    Best regards, and many thanks,



    Hi again,

    Just to tell you guys that by looking in the support forums I was able to find the following thread :

    The solution offered didn’t work (I tried to put the code in the child theme functions.php file), but maybe it can give you an idea of how to solve the issue ? The masonry I use is with portfolio items ; maybe that is the one thing missing ?

    Thanks again for your help…



    lets stick to one issue only in one thread.

    I checked your masonry in your blog and I can see that it does not work properly. When I deactivate all your plugins but WPML It does not load anything for english version (though it works totally fine on french version).
    I tried to reproduce this issue on my own installation, but couldn’t, as it does not happen for me. So I think something must cause it especially on your end. There might be some corrupted files, so please delete all theme files completely via FTP, before installing a fresh copy from your themeforest account:

    Best regards,


    Hey Andy,

    Thanks for everything. I just replaced the theme files and that didn’t change anything – but a new update for WPML just arrived, and after doing that, it is working again.
    The issue was then with WPML (which we kinda knew, and although it’s nice that a fix has arrived, I kinda whished I knew what the problem was.)

    As for my other problem (woocommerce products), I have spotted a thread about the same issue, I will add a comment to it.

    I think we can safely close this thread now. Thanks for all your help !

    Best regards,




    glad that it’s solves for you now! Let us know in a new ticket if you have some more questions related to the theme. We are happy to assist you.

    Best regards,

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