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  • #710013

    Hey guys

    We’re having some issues with the ordering functionality of the Masonry Portfolio. I’ve set it to order by Page Order and have enabled the page ordering attributes using a filter. I’ve set the masonry to have three columns, what we’re after is this but I can’t seem to get it. The best I can get is this.

    Any help on how we can get this to order properly would be great.



    Hi tjpicasso!

    Can you please share us a link to your web site and backend access please so we can help you?

    Thanks a lot



    Hey Basilis

    Thanks for the reply, details are below. We’re still building the site locally so I’ve just uploaded a blank child theme. I’ve added 7 portfolio entries but feel free to add/remove them as you please. I’ve also installed a drag and drop ordering plugin to make it easier for the client.

    Thanks for your help!



    I tried to reposition the portfolio items but I can’t get it to work like you wanted to. I’m sorry but I’m not sure if you can manually re-order the portfolio items based on the page attribute value because of the isotope script (http://isotope.metafizzy.co/). This script calculates the position of the masonry items automatically, regardless of the page attribute value. And it actually causes issues to the display order of the masonry items. Unfortunately, we don’t have any solution for it yet.

    Best regards,


    Ok, no worries, thanks all the same Ismael.



    Thanks for understanding, let us know if you should need any further help on the topic.

    Best regards,

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