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  • #1460033

    I have put in a tab section some masonry short code and it works but the problem is that i have to scroll in order to layout my pictures, Before the scroll, the distance between my images is very large and after scrolling the distance is as I would like it to be from the start..

    On this page, when i open it everything is fine:

    When you click on “Meubles” there is a big gap betwen pictures, i have to go at the top of the page on go down to have the space i would like to have betwenn pictures..

    How can i solve it?



    Hey pierremartin311,
    Thanks for the link to your page, it looks like you have some custom css to change the width of the images and this is causing the issue. Using css to change the size of the element before it is loaded can cause issues, try removing this custom css.
    Another option would be to reload the page when the tabs are clicked, try adding this code to the end of your child theme functions.php file in Appearance ▸ Editor:

    function custom_script() { ?>
    add_action( 'wp_footer', 'custom_script', 99 );

    Please ensure to copy the code from the forum and not an email notification so the symbols are not converted.

    Best regards,


    the only css i have concerning Masonry are :

    ` .main_color .container .av-inner-masonry-content,
    #top .main_color .container .av-masonry-load-more,
    #top .main_color .container .av-masonry-sort,
    .main_color .container .av-masonry-entry .avia-arrow {
    background-color: rgba(248, 248, 248, 0.6);
    .av-fixed-size .av-masonry-entry .av-inner-masonry-content,
    .av-caption-on-hover .av-masonry-item-with-image.av-masonry-entry .av-inner-masonry-content {
    padding: 0 10px 0 10px;
    font-size: 16px;

    .av-inner-masonry {
    box-shadow:10px 10px 5px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.3);

    I removed it and it changed nothing..

    Concerning the script, it doesn’t change anything too.


    When I test the script it seems to work, perhaps you made an error when you added it to your functions.php file, often the the symbols are converted, try again and if you have further trouble include a admin login in the Private Content area so we can examine.

    Best regards,


    I try the script again but it doesn’t works for me..



    Thanks, when I check your page now the “Meubles” is the default to load and the error doesn’t occur.
    I notice that you also have a javascript error for “cf7a_download_button”, have you tested this with the plugins disabled?

    Best regards,


    Nothing is working… when i arrive to the page, on “Meubles” there is a little space between the pictures.. it’s OK. then i click on “portes” and there is a big gap between pictures.. i have to scroll at the top of the page to reduce this gap and to have the same layyout that i have on “meubles” at the begining…

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