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  • #390146

    I have inserted a masonry gallery with 60 images where the ordering is very important as the images comes in a serie of 3, showing different angles/perspectives.
    I have chosen only to show 6 images at a time ( 1 column) and then you have to click “load more” button to load 6 images more (second column)

    My problem is that, when clicking the “load more” button it shows the images in random order and not the order I have chosen in the editor.
    It also shows some images twice!

    I have tested with loading all 60 images at once (without the “load more button”) and then it is the correct ordered as in the editor and none of the images are show twice.

    Why does it overrule the ordering when using the “load more” button”?


    Hey t3lgroup!

    Your using the Masonry gallery correct? Hmm, I think it should be loading them in the correct order.

    If your not using Enfold 3.0.8 then be sure to update and deactivate all plugins while testing.

    If that does not help then send us a WordPress login and a link to the page and we’ll take a look.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    I see what you mean. Not sure why it would be doing that. It seems to be working fine on my XAMPP setup.

    Let’s try the following.

    1. Deactivate all plugins.

    2. Completely delete Enfold from your WordPress theme directory before downloading + uploading a fresh copy from themeforest.

    Best regards,



    I found the issue. I is a plugin called “post types order” which let me order my portfolio items (products) and categories.
    When deactivating this plugin it loads the gallery in the correct order!

    Hmm.. WHat can I do? It is also very important that my items/products are sorted in correct order as some are more important than others and needs to be first etc.

    Any advice?


    Oh, I don’t have a child theme :(
    So I will need to insert this code everytime there is a theme update



    You can use our child theme starter kit,



    Hi Yigit,
    i tried to go to the link that you have there but is redirecting to… Even if i copy and paste it it still directs it to the second link.
    Could you please assist. I have the issue and as t3lgroup mentions, just if i deactivate the plugin it works fine. But still need this plugin as I have to create and re arrange many posts.

    thank you!



    That is the new link of the documentation section that is in-did pointing there. That is the correct new link :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Basilis,
    I did not quite get your answer. the link directs you to contact forms, however the thread is about the double images appearing on Masonry gallery…. is ther any solutuion on the only solution like t3lgroup mentioned is to deactivate “post types order” plugin?

    Thank you!



    I’d recommend to talk to the plugin author – maybe you can deactivate the plugin for certain queries (i.e. the masonry query) only. You can use the avia_masonry_entries_query filter to change the masonry posts query – i.e. this sample code would change the posts order (you can add it to the child theme functions.php):

    add_filter('avia_masonry_entries_query', 'avia_masonry_entries_query_mod', 10, 2);
    function avia_masonry_entries_query_mod($query, $params) {
        $query['orderby'] = 'date';
        $query['order'] = 'ASC';
        return $query;

    Best regards,


    Thank you Peter,
    I added the code but cannot really see a big difference, I might contact the author or will just deactivate the plugin once finished… My website is under construction and not live anyway.



    Thank you for letting us know – we appreciate it a lot! :)

    Best regards,

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